Τμήμα Βιολογικών Επιστημών / Department of Biological Sciences
Recent Submissions
Στον καθρέφτη του Δαρβίνου: μια προσπάθεια να διαλευκανθούν οι πιο κοινές παρανοήσεις στην εξελικτική θεωρία
(Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2021)Πόσο παραμορφώνει ένας παλιός καθρέφτης; Πόσο αλλοιωμένες αντανακλά τις θεωρίες του Δαρβίνου σήμερα; Πόσο καλά αντιλαμβανόμαστε την εξελικτική θεωρία κοιτώντας την στον καθρέφτη του σπουδαίου επιστήμονα; Μήπως η δυσκολία ...
Μελέτη ζωής
(Βακχικόν, 2020)Σε κάθε στάση πιο κοντά το άγνωστο το τέρμα Μα να προλάβω μια στιγμή στο χώμα να πατήσω Στο πευκοδάσος να χωθώ χωρίς να με προσέξουν "Μην ξεχαστείς", μου γράφουνε οι βελόνες μες στο δέρμα Σ’ αναπολήσεις παιδικές που ...
Everything changes – especially on islands
(eScholarship, 2012)
As natural as it gets
(eScholarship, 2017)
(Broken Hill Publishers, 2018)
(Utopia, 2019)
Οικολογία: η οικονομία της Φύσης
(Πασχαλίδης, 2019)
Ground Beetles (Carabidae) of Greece
(Pensoft Publishers, 2011)Ground beetles (Carabidae, including tiger beetles, paussid beetles and bombardier beetles) are one of the most diverse insect families in Europe. They occur in apparently all terrestrial habitats and represent a major ...
Book Chapter
Altitudinal Variation of Oniscidean Communities on Cretan Mountains
(Brill, 2003)In the present paper we present a study on the effect of geographical elevation on the communi- ties of terrestrial isopods. We analysed the patterns of species diversity and the phenology ofOnis- cidea ...
Book Chapter
A comparative study of isopod assemblages of elevated habitats on five mountains of Peloponnisos peninsula (Greece)
(Shaker Verlag, 2008)
Mitochondrial sequences of the extinct Cypriot pygmy hippopotamus confirm its phylogenetic placement
(Oxford Academic, 2021-11-19)The Cypriot pygmy hippopotamus is an extinct Mediterranean species that inhabited the island of Cyprus during the Late Pleistocene. This iconic species last appears at the archaeological site of Akrotiri Aetokremnos, dated ...
Book Chapter
Τι μας διδάσκει η πανίδα των νησιών του Αιγαίου για την οικολογία και την εξέλιξη
(Broken Hill, 2020)
Book Chapter
Τα ισόποδα
(Broken Hill, 2020)
New Species of Terrestrial Isopods (Isopoda, Oniscidea) From Greece
(Brill, 1992-01-01)Three new species of Oniscidea from Greece are described in the present paper. The first belongs to the genus Ligidium Brandt, being the seventh Greek species of this genus. The next is the second species of Paraschizidium ...
Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) from the remote Greek island Antikithira and its surrounding islets
(Biodiversity Heritage Library, 1993-09)Terrestrial isopods from the southewestern Aegean islan group of Antikithira are recorded here for the first time. Collecting was done on three islands. Antikithira, Prassonisi and Lagouvardhos, and a total of 20 species ...
New Species of Terrestrial Isopods (Oniscidea) from the Central Aegean Islands
(Biodiversity Heritage Library, 1995-10-27)Eight new species of terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) from the Islands of the central Aegean (Greece) are described in the present paper. One belongs to the family Trichoniscidae (Trichomscus oedipus n. sp.), one to the ...
The terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) of Greece. 15th contribution: genera Echinarmadillidium and Paxodillidium (Armadillidiidae)
(Biodiversity Heritage Library, 1995-10-27)
The terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea) of Crete and the surrounding islands
(ResearchGate, 2004)The investigation of recently collected material of terrestrial isopods from Crete yielded 7 species new to science (Graeconiscus guanophilus n. sp., Graeconiscus kournasensis n. sp., Tra- chelipus cavaticus n. sp., ...