Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 2168

    • Article  

      How different are Monetary Unions to national economies according to prices? 

      Glushenkova, Marina; Zachariadis, Marios (Wiley, 2024-01)
      Not that different. Based on a unique dataset of semi-annual microeconomic price levels of goods and services across and within countries for 1990:1-2018:2, we show that time-series volatility and cross-sectional dispersion ...
    • Master Thesis  Open Access

      Brain drain: causes, effects & factors affecting it 

      Petrides, Kypros (2024-05-27)
    • Article  

      Identifying preferences when households are financially constrained 

      Tryphonides, Andreas (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      This paper shows that utilizing information on the extensive margin of financially constrained households can narrow down the set of admissible preferences in a large class of macroeconomic models. Estimates based on Spanish ...
    • Article  

      Liquidity risk, market power and the informational effects of policy 

      Tryphonides, Andreas; Claeys, Gregory; Papioti, Chara (Elsevier, 2023-05)
      Using a structural approach, we combine bidding data from open market operations with macroeconomic information to recover the latent distribution of liquidity risk across financial institutions in Chile and how it is ...
    • Article  

      Public debt and state-dependent effects of fiscal policy in the euro area 

      Eminidou, Snezana; Geiger, Martin; Zachariadis, Marios (2023-02)
      We investigate public debt related state dependencies of fiscal policy shocks for fifteen euro area economies during the period from 2000:Q1 to 2019:Q4. Our estimated impulse response functions suggest that the impact of ...
    • Article  

      Non-linearities in International Prices 

      Lee, Inkoo; Park, Sang Soo; Zachariadis, Marios (2023-08)
      We consider multiple sources of non-linearity in good-level law-of-one-price deviations across the globe using a structural model that accounts for previously omitted variables and allows estimation of good-level convergence ...
    • Article  

      How different are Monetary Unions to national economies according to prices? 

      Glushenkova, Marina; Zachariadis, Marios (Wiley, 2022-09)
      Not that different. Based on a unique dataset of semi-annual microeconomic price levels of goods and services across and within countries for 1990:1–2018:2, we show that time-series volatility and cross-sectional dispersion ...
    • Article  

      Understanding post-Crisis price deviations in Europe: Disintegration or mere adjustment? 

      Glushenkova, Marina; Zachariadis, Marios (Springer, 2020-03)
      The paper investigates the process of European integration using law of one price (LOP) deviations for a large number of individual goods and services during the recent Crisis. We find that the degree of integration of ...
    • Article  

      Which banks smooth and at what price? 

      Kokas, Soterios; Vinogradov, Dmitri; Zachariadis, Marios (Elsevier, 2020-12)
      By adjusting lending, banks can smooth the macroeconomic impact of deposit fluctuations. This may, however, lead to extended periods of disproportionately high lending relative to deposit intake and, under certain conditions, ...
    • Article  

      Consumers’ updating and policy shocks: An empirical assessment of state dependencies 

      Geiger, Martin; Zachariadis, Marios (Cambridge University Press, 2022-12)
      We assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy shocks on US survey-based consumer expectations within states of low and high public debt. Following an unexpected increase in government spending, consumption intentions ...
    • Article  

      Measuring the Welfare Costs of Racial Discrimination in the Labor Market 

      Gramozi, Almarina; Palivos, Theodore; Zachariadis, Marios (2023-04)
      We find that the conditional wage-gap for non-whites is negatively related to gross domestic product per worker across the US. To explain this, we develop a model linking unequal access to employment with the wage gap, ...
    • Article  

      Firms’ expectations and monetary policy shocks in the euro area 

      Eminidou, Snezana; Zachariadis, Marios (Elsevier, 2022-04)
      We investigate the impact of monetary policy shocks on firms’ selling price and production expectations utilizing a proxy structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model for ten euro area economies during the period from ...
    • Working Paper  Open Access

      Multiple Regimes in the Preferences for Redistribution 

      Kourtellos, Andros; Petrou, Kyriakos (2023-08-29)
      This paper provides novel evidence of nonlinearities in the formation of preferences for redistribution by uncovering evidence of multiple regimes consistent with the presence of multiple equilibria and multiple steady ...
    • Working Paper  Open Access

      The Role of Social Interactions in Preferences for Redistribution 

      Kourtellos, Andros; Petrou, Kyriakos (2022-05-30)
      This paper investigates the role of social influences in preferences for redistribution using data from the General Social Survey. We employ social interaction models with a socioeconomic network structure and intertemporal ...
    • Article  

      Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy Surprises 

      Eminidou, Snezana; Zachariadis, Marios; Andreou, Elena (Wiley, 2020-01)
      We estimate monetary policy surprises for European consumers over time, based on monetary policy changes that were unanticipated according to consumers’ stated beliefs. We find that such monetary policy surprises have the ...
    • Working Paper  Open Access

      Risk management optimization for sovereign debt restructuring 

      Consiglio, Andrea; Zenios, Stavros A. (Journal of Globalization and Development, Vol. 6(2), pp. 181–213, Feb. 2016.; The Wharton School Financial Institutions Centre No. 14-10., 2015-12)
      Debt restructuring is one of the policy tools available for resolving sovereign debt crises and, while unorthodox, it is not uncommon. We propose a scenario analysis for debt sustainability and integrate it with scenario ...
    • Working Paper  Open Access

      A Political Capital Asset Pricing Model 

      Pagliardi, Giovanni; Poncet, Patrice; Zenios, Stavros A. (The Wharton Financial Institutions Center. The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, PA, 2019-03)
      We construct a bivariate factor of political stability and economic policy confidence, and show that it commands a significant premium of up to 15% per annum, in the global, developed, and emerging markets, robust to ICAPM, ...
    • Report  Open Access

      Entrepreneurship in Cyprus 

      Polyviou, Ariana; Eteokleous, Pantelitsa; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Kassinis, George I. (2019)
      Entrepreneurship is a core driver of economic growth and societal prosperity, as it fosters the innovation necessary for exploiting new opportunities, enhancing productivity, increasing employment opportunities and providing ...
    • Article  

      Structural breaks tests robust to regression misspecification 

      Alaa, Α.Μ.; Andreou, Elena; Boldea, O. (2018)
      Structural break tests for regression models are sensitive to model misspecification. We show—analytically and through simulations—that the sup Wald test for breaks in the conditional mean and variance of a time series ...
    • Article  

      Inference in Group Factor Models With an Application to Mixed-Frequency Data 

      Andreou, Elena; Gagliardini, P.; Ghysels, E.; Rubin, M. (2019)
      We derive asymptotic properties of estimators and test statistics to determine—in a grouped data setting—common versus group-specific factors. Despite the fact that our test statistic for the number of common factors, under ...