Now showing items 1-10 of 597
Advances in Global Marketing: A Research Anthology
(Springer International Publishing, 2018)
This book of expert contributions provides a comprehensive analysis of contemporary global marketing issues under different international business settings. It covers a wide array of key areas of international marketing ...
Socially Responsible International Business: Critical Issues and the Way Forward
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)
Acting in a socially-responsible manner has become a crucial success factor for many international firms due to the highly complex, competitive, and volatile global environment in which they operate. This book will contribute ...
Dualities, Dialectics, and Paradoxes in Organizational Life
(Oxford University Press, 2018)
Contradictions permeate and propel organizational life - including tensions between reaching globally while focusing locally
Institutions and Organizations: A Process View
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
Institutions—the taken-for-granted structures, practices, and meanings that define what people and organizations within their jurisdiction think, do, and aspire to—are all about process, even though this may not always ...
Low-Complexity Method for Hybrid MPC with Local Guarantees
Model predictive control problems for constrained hybrid systems are usually cast as mixed-integer optimization problems (MIPs). However, commercial MIP solvers are designed to run on desktop computing platforms and are ...
The interplay between market intelligence activities and sales strategy as drivers of performance in foreign markets
Purpose Exporting is a popular foreign market entry mode, especially among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The success of SME exporters depends on their ability to establish and maintain profitable long-term ...
A Comparison of Formative Versus Reflective Approaches for the Measurement of Electronic Service Quality
Drawing upon the extant literature, we examine the definition, conceptualization, and measurement of electronic service quality (e-SQ) and propose an alternative measurement approach. We posit that customers' perceptions ...
A Model of Product Design and Information Disclosure Investments
New technologies such as product simulators and virtual reality now allow firms to provide realistic product usage experiences and reduce buyer uncertainty about product quality. We argue that today’s firms should view ...
Toward a Better Understanding of Tacit Knowledge in Organizations: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Tacit knowledge is the knowledge that we draw on in use, but is difficult to have consciousness of, or to express in language. The proliferation in the use of tacit knowledge in management research has generated a diversity ...
Philosophical Organization Theory
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
When it comes to the field of organization and management theory, a philosophical perspective enables us to conduct organizational research imbued with the attitude of 'wonder'