Our climate, our change - using digital learning objects to present the complex science of global climate change

Προβολή/ Open
Martin, BrianMahaffy, Peter
University of CyprusPlace of publication
CY - ΛευκωσίαSource
CBLIS Conference Proceedings 2010 Application of new technologies in science and educationGoogle Scholar check
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
Global Climate Change (GCC) is arguably one of the most significant challenges ever faced by humankind. The complex science of GCC leaves the general public and teachers at both secondary school and tertiary levels perplexed.. There is a profound need for high quality teaching materials addressing this challenging topic. In response to this need, The King's Centre or Visualization in Science (Edmonton, Canada) has developed a broad range of digital learning objects addressing many aspects of Global Climate Change. The DLOs range from simulations of the basic science behind greenhouse gas heating, the understanding of evidence for climate change and how it is produced to models of global CO2 concentration and climate change. We also present outcomes from a joint project with The International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry, The American Chemical Society, The Royal Society of Chemistry and UNESCO to weave these materials into teaching modules adaptable to many international curricula at different levels.