• Article  

      An embedded saliency map estimator scheme: Application to video encoding 

      Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas; Rapantzikos, K.; Pattichis, Constantinos S. (2007)
      In this paper we propose a novel saliency-based computational model for visual attention. This model processes both top-down (goal directed) and bottom-up information. Processing in the top-down channel creates the so ...
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      Fault-tolerant computation in groups and semigroups: Applications to automata, dynamic systems and Petri nets 

      Hadjicostis, Christoforos N.; Verghese, G. C. (2002)
      The traditional approach to fault-tolerant computation has been via modular hardware redundancy. Although universal and simple, modular redundancy is inherently expensive and inefficient. By exploiting particular structural ...
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      Filter-based approach for ornamentation detection and recognition in singing folk music 

      Neocleous, Andreas C.; Azzopardi, G.; Schizas, Christos N.; Petkov, N. (2015)
      Ornamentations in music play a significant role for the emotion whi1ch a performer or a composer aims to create. The automated identification of ornamentations enhances the understanding of music, which can be used as a ...
    • Conference Object  

      A Fuzzy Cognitive Map system to explore certain scenarios on the Cyprus banking system 

      Papaioannou, Maria; Neocleous, Costas K.; Papageorgiou, Charalambos; Schizas, Christos N. (INSTICC Press, 2014)
      The model of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) allows a user to investigate how the influencing parameters of a cause-effect system behave under the implementation of desired scenario. Human knowledge and experience is used to ...
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      Graph theoretical structures in logic programs and default theories 

      Dimopoulos, Yannis; Torres, A. (1996)
      In this paper we present a graph representation of logic programs and default theories. We show that many of the semantics proposed for logic programs with negation can be expressed in terms of notions emerging from graph ...
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      Grid benchmarking: Vision, challenges, and current status 

      Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2007)
      Grid benchmarking is an important and challenging topic of Grid computing research. In this paper, we present an overview of the key challenges that need to be addressed for the integration of benchmarking practices, ...
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      Ideal physical element representation from reduced bond graphs 

      Louca, Loucas S.; Stein, J. L. (2002)
      Previous research has demonstrated that bond graphs are a natural and convenient representation to implement energy-based metrics that evaluate the relative 'value' of energy elements in a dynamic system model. Bond graphs ...
    • Conference Object  

      Implementing a software cache for genetic programming algorithms for reducing execution time 

      Karatsiolis, Savvas; Schizas, Christos N. (INSTICC Press, 2014)
      A cache holding reusable computations that are carried out during the execution of a genetic algorithm is implemented and maintained in order to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm itself. The main idea is ...
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      Implementing interaction nets in MONSTR 

      Banach, Richard; Papadopoulos, George Angelos (Association for Computing Machinery, 1997)
      Two superficially similar graph rewriting formalisms, Interaction Nets and MONSTR, are studied. Interaction Nets come from multiplicative Linear Logic and feature undirected graph edges, while MONSTR arose from the desire ...
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      Influence of water model and nanotube rigidity on the density of water in carbon nanotubes 

      Alexiadis, A.; Kassinos, Stavros C. (2008)
      The density of water calculated through molecular dynamic simulations using different water models and rigid/flexible carbon nanotubes is studied. A previous equation, determined in an earlier work in order to correlate ...
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      The KGP model of agency 

      Kakas, Antonis C.; Mancarella, P.; Sadri, F.; Stathis, Kostas; Toni, F. (2004)
      This paper presents a new model of agency, called the KGP (Knowledge, Goals and Plan) model. This draws from the classic BDI model and proposes a hierarchical agent architecture with a highly modular structure that synthesises ...
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      Knowledge qualification through argumentation 

      Michael, Loizos; Kakas, Antonis C. (2009)
      We propose a framework that brings together two major forms of default reasoning in Artificial Intelligence: default property classification in static domains, and default property persistence in temporal domains. Emphasis ...
    • Conference Object  

      Mean-field semantics for a process calculus for spatially-explicit ecological models 

      Toro, Mauricio; Philippou, Anna; Arboleda, S.; Puerta, M.; Vélez S, C. M. (Open Publishing Association, 2016)
      We define a mean-field semantics for S-PALPS, a process calculus for spatially-explicit, individual-based modeling of ecological systems. The new semantics of S-PALPS allows an interpretation of the average behavior of a ...
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      Mechanics Science-Enabled Nanoheater Multi-Layer Materials Manufactured by Ball Milling 

      Farzanah, K. H. H.; Hassan, M. O. M.; Muhairi, R. A. S. Al; Rebholz, Claus; Gunduz, I. E.; Doumanidis, C. C. (Materials Research Society, 2017)
      This article reports investigation of the effects of high-rate stochastic micro-mechanics on the produced particulate size distribution during ball milling of reactive bimetallic foils (nanoheaters), by experimental and ...
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      Modeling program predictability 

      Sazeides, Yiannakis; Smith, James E. (IEEE Comp Soc, 1998)
      Basic properties of program predictability - for both values and control - are defined and studied. We take the view that program predictability originates at certain points during a program's execution, flows through ...
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      Multi-round Master-Worker Computing: A Repeated Game Approach 

      Fernández Anta, Antonio; Georgiou, Chryssis; Mosteiro, Miguel A.; Pareja, D. (IEEE Computer Society, 2016)
      We consider a computing system where a master processor assigns tasks for execution to worker processors through the Internet. We model the workers' decision of whether to comply (compute the task) or not (return a bogus ...
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      Nash equilibria in discrete routing games with convex latency functions 

      Gairing, M.; Lücking, T.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Monien, Burkhard; Rode, M. (2004)
      We study Nash equilibria in a discrete routing game that combines features of the two most famous models for non-cooperative routing, the KP model [16] and the Wardrop model [27]. In our model, users share parallel links. ...
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      Network game with attacker and protector entities 

      Mavronicolas, Marios; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou; Philippou, Anna; Spirakis, Paul G. (2005)
      Consider an information network with harmful procedures called attackers (e.g., viruses)
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      Network uncertainty in selfish routing 

      Georgiou, Chryssis; Pavlides, Theophanis; Philippou, Anna (2006)
      We study the problem of selfish routing in the presence of incomplete network information. Our model consists of a number of users who wish to route their traffic on a network of m parallel links with the objective of ...
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      A new model for selfish routing 

      Lücking, T.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Monien, Burkhard; Rode, M. (2008)
      In this work, we introduce and study a new, potentially rich model for selfish routing over non-cooperative networks, as an interesting hybridization of the two prevailing such models, namely the KPmodel [E. Koutsoupias, ...