• Article  

      Periodic scheduling with costs revisited: A novel approach for wireless broadcasting 

      Liaskos, Christos K.; Xeros, Andreas; Papadimitriou, Georgios I.; Lestas, Marios; Pitsillides, Andreas (2012)
      Periodic broadcast scheduling typically considers a set of discrete data items, characterized by their popularity, size and scheduling cost. A classic goal is the definition of an infinite, periodic schedule that yields ...
    • Conference Object  

      Preliminary investigations into SU-8 as a material for integrated all-optical microwave filters 

      Curtis, Philip D.; Iezekiel, Stavros; Miles, R. E.; Pescod, C. R. (2000)
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      The price of anarchy for polynomial social cost 

      Gairing, M.; Lücking, T.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Monien, Burkhard (2004)
      In this work, we consider an interesting variant of the well-studied KP model [18] for selfish routing that reflects some influence from the much older Wardrop model [31]. In the new model, user traffics are still unsplittable, ...
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      The price of defense and fractional matchings 

      Mavronicolas, Marios; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou; Persiano, Giuseppe; Philippou, Anna; Spirakis, Paul G. (2006)
      Consider a network vulnerable to security attacks and equipped with defense mechanisms. How much is the loss in the provided security guarantees due to the selfish nature of attacks and defenses? The Price of Defense was ...
    • Conference Object  

      Real-Time Control of a Segmented Telescope Test-Bed 

      Abdullah, A. A.; Ioannou, Petros A. (2003)
      The control of large segmented telescopes is a challenging one due to the complexity and high order of the system. The high order dynamics lead to high order controllers that require more memory and faster computations for ...
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      Reliable internet-based master-worker computing in the presence of malicious workers 

      Fernández Anta, Antonio; Georgiou, Chryssis; López, Luis; Santos, Agustín (2012)
      We consider a Master-Worker distributed system where a master processor assigns, over the Internet, tasks to a collection of n workers, which are untrusted and might act maliciously. In addition, a worker may not reply to ...
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      Robust control of uncertain context-sensitive probabilistic Boolean networks 

      Denic, S. Z.; Vasic, B.; Charalambous, Charalambos D.; Palanivelu, R. (2009)
      Uncertainty is an intrinsic phenomenon in control of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The presence of uncertainty is related to impreciseness of GRN models due to: (1) Errors caused by imperfection of measurement devices ...
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      Selfish routing in the presence of network uncertainty 

      Georgiou, Chryssis; Pavlides, Theophanis; Philippou, Anna (2009)
      We study the problem of selfish routing in the presence of incomplete network information. Our model consists of a number of users who wish to route their traffic on a network of m parallel links with the objective of ...
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      A simple graph-theoretic model for selfish restricted scheduling 

      Elsässer, R.; Gairing, M.; Lücking, T.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Monien, Burkhard (2005)
      In this work, we introduce and study a simple, graph-theoretic model for selfish scheduling among m non-cooperative users over a collection of n machines
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      The structure and complexity of Nash equilibria for a selfish routing game 

      Fotakis, Dimitris A.; Kontogiannis, Spyros C.; Koutsoupias, Elias; Mavronicolas, Marios; Spirakis, Paul G. (2009)
      In this work, we study the combinatorial structure and the computational complexity of Nash equilibria for a certain game that models selfish routing over a network consisting of m parallel links. We assume a collection ...
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      The structure and complexity of Nash equilibria for a selfish routing game 

      Fotakis, Dimitris A.; Kontogiannis, Spyros C.; Koutsoupias, Elias; Mavronicolas, Marios; Spirakis, Paul G. (2002)
      In this work, we study the combinatorial structure and the computational complexity of Nash equilibria for a certain game that models selfish routing over a network consisting of m parallel links. We assume a collection ...
    • Conference Object  

      Thermal characterization of cloud workloads on a power-efficient server-on-chip 

      Milojevic, D.; Idgunji, S.; Jevdjic, D.; Ozer, E.; Lotfi-Kamran, P.; Panteli, Andreas; Prodromou, Andreas; Nicopoulos, Chrysostomos A.; Hardy, D.; Falsari, B.; Sazeides, Yiannakis (2012)
      We propose a power-efficient many-core server-on-chip system with 3D-stacked Wide I/O DRAM targeting cloud workloads in datacenters. The integration of 3D-stacked Wide I/O DRAM on top of a logic die increases available ...
    • Conference Object  

      Universal bufferless routing 

      Busch, Costas; Magdon-Ismail, M.; Mavronicolas, Marios (2005)
      Given an arbitrary network, and a routing problem with congestion C and dilation D, a long standing open problem is to show the existence of bufferless routing algorithms with optimal performance guarantees (routing time ...
    • Conference Object  

      What to adapt in a high-performance microprocessor 

      Trancoso, Pedro (2004)
      High-performance processors usually require large amounts of power for their operation. Adapting resources in such processors is very relevant as each application and distinct use of the system has a different demand. A ...