• Conference Object  

      Ranking and performance exploration of Grid infrastructures: An interactive approach 

      Tsouloupas, George; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2006)
      In the ever-growing Grid infrastructures picking the right resources is not an easy task. There are situations were finding enough idle CPU's that satisfy a set of minimum nominal hardware requirements is simply not enough. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Scheduling workflows with budget constraints 

      Sakellariou, R.; Zhao, H.; Tsiakkouri, E.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, 2007)
      Grids are emerging as a promising solution for resource and computation demanding applications. However, the heterogeneity of resources in Grid computing, complicates resource management and scheduling of applications. In ...
    • Article  

      Survey in smart grid and smart home security: Issues, challenges and countermeasures 

      Komninos, N.; Philippou, E.; Pitsillides, Andreas (2014)
      The electricity industry is now at the verge of a new era - an era that promises, through the evolution of the existing electrical grids to smart grids, more efficient and effective power management, better reliability, ...
    • Article  

      Towards a grid information knowledge base 

      Xing, Wei; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Sakellariou, R. (2007)
      In this paper, we present our work on building a Grid information knowledge base, which is a key component of a semantic Grid information system. A Core Grid Ontology (CGO) is developed for building a Grid knowledge base