• Conference Object  

      Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD 

      Wagner, M.; Alexandrou, Constantia; Gravina, M.; Daldrop, J. O.; Urbach, C.; Brida, M. D.; Scorzato, L.; Wiese, C. (2012)
      We study the light scalar mesons a0(980) and κ using Nf = 2+1+1 flavor lattice QCD. In order to probe the internal structure of these scalar mesons, and in particular to identify, whether a sizeable tetraquark component ...
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      Scalar mesons and tetraquarks from twisted mass lattice QCD 

      Wagner, M.; Alexandrou, Constantia; Daldrop, J. O.; Brida, M. D.; Gravina, M.; Scorzato, L.; Urbach, C.; Wiese, C. (2013)
      We study light scalar mesons with particular focus on the a 0(980) using lattice QCD with 2+1+1 dynamical quark flavors. To investigate the structure of these scalar mesons and to identify, whether a sizeable tetraquark ...
    • Conference Object  

      Sigma- Terms and axial charges for hyperons and charmed baryons 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Jansen, K.; Kallidonis, Christos (Proceedings of Science (PoS), 2013)
      We present results for the s- Terms and axial charges for various hyperons and charmed baryons using Nf = 2+1+1 twisted mass fermions. For the computation of the three-point function we use the fixed current method. For ...
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      Simulating a CP-violating topological term in gauge theories 

      Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Vicari, E. (2012)
      We present recent results on the θ-dependence of four-dimensional SU(N) gauge theories, where θ is the coefficient of the CP-violating topological term in the Lagrangian. In particular, we study the scaling behavior of ...
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      Strange hadron production at SIS energies: An update from HADES 

      Lorenz, M.; Adamczewski-Musch, J.; Arnold, O.; Atomssa, E. T.; Behnke, C.; Berger-Chen, J. C.; Biernat, J.; Blanco, A.; Blume, C.; Böhmer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Chernenko, S.; Deveaux, C.; Dybczak, A.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Fonte, P.; Franco, C.; Friese, J.; Fröhlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J. A.; Gill, K.; Golubeva, M.; Guber, F.; Gumberidze, M.; Harabasz, S.; Hennino, T.; Hlavac, S.; Höhne, C.; Holzmann, R.; Ierusalimov, A.; Ivashkin, A.; Jurkovic, M.; Kämpfer, B.; Karavicheva, T.; Kardan, B.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B. W.; Korcyl, G.; Kornakov, G.; Kotte, R.; Krása, Antonín; Krebs, E.; Kuc, G.; Kugler, A.; Kunz, T.; Kurepin, A.; Kurilkin, A.; Kurilkin, P.; Ladygin, V.; Lalik, R.; Lapidus, K.; Lebedev, A.; Lopes, L.; Mahmoud, T.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Metag, V.; Michel, J.; Müntz, C.; Münzer, R.; Naumann, L.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Yiannis; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Petousis, Vlassis; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramstein, B.; Rehnisch, L.; Reshetin, A.; Rost, A.; Rustamov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Salabura, P.; Scheib, T.; Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K.; Schuldes, H.; Sellheim, P.; Siebenson, J.; Silva, L.; Sobolev, Y. G.; Spataro, S.; Ströbele, H.; Stroth, J.; Strzempek, P.; Sturm, C.; Svoboda, O.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Tsertos, Haralambos; Vasiliev, T.; Wagner, V.; Wendisch, C.; Wirth, J.; Wüstenfeld, J.; Zanevsky, Y.; Zumbruch, P. (2016)
      We present and discuss recent experimental activities of the HADES collaboration on open and hidden strangeness production close or below the elementary NN threshold. Special emphasis is put on the feed-down from φ mesons ...
    • Conference Object  

      A study of the radiative transition ππ → πγ∗ with lattice QCD 

      Petschlies, Marcus; Leskovec, L.; Alexandrou, Constantia; Koutsou, Giannis; Meinel, S.; Negele, J. W.; Paul, S.; Pochinsky, A.; Rendon, G.; Syritsyn, S. (Proceedings of Science (PoS), 2016)
      Lattice QCD calculations of radiative transitions between hadrons have in the past been limited to processes of hadrons stable under the strong interaction. Recently developed methods for 1 → 2 transition matrix elements ...
    • Conference Object  

      Studying hadron properties in baryonic matter with HADES 

      Krücken, R.; Kugler, A.; Bałanda, A.; Belver, D.; Belyaev, A. V.; Blanco, A.; Böhmer, M.; Boyard, J. L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Cabanelas, Pablo; Castro, E.; S. Chernenko; Diáz, J.; Dybczak, A.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O. V.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fonte, P.; Friese, J.; Fröhlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J. A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Gil, A.; Golubeva, M.; González-Díaz, D.; Guber, F.; Hennino, T.; Holzmann, R.; Huck, P.; Ierusalimov, A. P.; Iori, I.; Ivashkin, A.; Jurkovic, M.; Kämpfer, B.; Karavicheva, T.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kol, B. W.; Kopp, A.; Kotte, R.; Kozuch, A.; Krása, Antonín; Krizek, F.; Kühn, W.; Kurepin, A.; Kählitz, P. K.; Lamas-Valverde, J.; Lang, S.; Lange, J. S.; Lapidus, K.; Liu, T.; Lopes, L.; Lorenz, M.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Metag, V.; Michalska, B.; Michel, J.; Morinière, E.; Mousa, J.; Müntz, C.; Naumann, L.; Pachmayer, Y. C.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Yiannis; Pechenov, V.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Roskoss, J.; Rustamov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Salabura, P.; Schmah, A.; Siebenson, J.; Simon, R.; Sobolev, Yu G.; Spataro, S.; Spruck, B.; Ströbele, H.; Stroth, J.; Sturm, C.; Sudol, M.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Trebacz, R.; Tsertos, Haralambos; Veretenkin, I.; Wagner, V.; Weber, M.; Wisniowski, M.; Wüstenfeld, J.; Yurevich, S. (2010)
      The HADES spectrometer installed at GSI Darmstadt is a second generation experiment to study production of lepton pairs from proton, pion and nucleus induced reactions at the SIS/BEVALAC energy regime. The HADES study of ...
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      Thermodynamic properties of QCD in external magnetic fields 

      Bali, G. S.; Bruckmann, F.; Constantinou, Martha; Costa, Marios Gil; Endrödi, Gergely; Fodor, Zoltán; Katz, Sándor D.; Krieg, S.; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G.; Schäfer, A.; Szabó, Kálmán K. (2012)
      We consider the effect of strong external electromagnetic fields on thermodynamic observables in QCD, through lattice simulations with 1+1+1 flavors of staggered quarks at physical quark masses. Continuum extrapolated ...
    • Conference Object  

      Using a new analysis method to extract excited states in the scalar meson sector 

      Finkenrath, J.; Alexandrou, Constantia; Berlin, J.; Brida, M. D.; Leontiou, Theodoros; Wagner, M. (Proceedings of Science (PoS), 2016)
      We explore a method to extract energy eigenstates, called Athens Model Independent Analysis Scheme (AMIAS), which is an alternative to solving standard Generalized Eigenvalue Problems (GEVP). The method is based on ...