• Conference Object  

      A methodology for model-driven web application composition 

      Kateros, D. A.; Kapitsaki, Georgia M.; Tselikas, N. D.; Venieris, Iakovos St (2008)
      Web application composition can greatly benefit from the utilization of existing frameworks and reusable components, in order to reduce development effort. Frameworks implementing the Model-View-Controller architectural ...
    • Conference Object  

      Mobile Data Management in Indoor Spaces 

      Laoudias, Christos; Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      This advanced seminar presents the fundamental mobile data management concepts behind the realization of innovative indoor information services that deal with all aspects of handling indoor data as a valuable resource, ...
    • Article  

      Model-driven development of context-aware web applications based on a web service context management architecture 

      Kapitsaki, Georgia M.; Venieris, Iakovos St (2009)
      Context information constitutes an essential aspect of service development and provision in mobile computing in the attempt to provide users with personalized services. The problem of handling context in these environments, ...
    • Article  

      Multi-set DHT for range queries on dynamic data for grid information service 

      Da Costa, G.; Orlando, S.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2008)
      Scalability is a fundamental problem for information systems when the amount of managed data increases. Peer to Peer systems are usually used to solve scalability problems as centralized approaches do not scale without ...
    • Conference Object  

      On the development strategy of an architecture for E-health service robots 

      Santos, L.; Dias, J.; Christophorou, C.; Christodoulou, Eleni; Samaras, George S. (IADIS, 2014)
      This paper presents a service robot architecture based on the principles of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), whose modularity design maximizes the benefits of multidisciplinary contributions from researchers of ...
    • Conference Object  

      A pragmatic methodology to web service discovery 

      Tamani, E.; Evripidou, Paraskevas (2007)
      As in linguistics the semantics co-exist with pragmatics to provide complete and unambiguous meaning to utterances, in the same way the pragmatics should augment the semantics in intelligent applications. Service-Oriented ...
    • Article  

      Report on the workshop on Metadata Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, London, December 16 2003 

      Keenoy, K.; Poulovassilis, A.; Christophides, V.; Loizou, G.; Kokkinidis, G.; Samaras, George S.; Spyratos, N. (2004)
      A workshop on Metadata Management System in Grid and peer-to-Peer system was held in the Senete House of the University of London on December 16, 2003. The first session of the work shop contained three presentations on ...
    • Conference Object  

      Robust runtime optimization of data transfer in queries over web services 

      Gounaris, A.; Yfoulis, C.; Sakellariou, R.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2008)
      Self-managing solutions have recently attracted a lot of interest from the database community. The need for self-* properties is more evident in distributed applications comprising heterogeneous and autonomous databases ...
    • Article  

      Search Engines for the Grid: A Research Agenda 

      Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Ioannidis, Y.; Sakellariou, R. (2004)
      A preliminary study of the issues surrounding a seach engine for Grid environments, GRISEN, that would enable the provision of a variety of Grid information services, such as locating useful resources, learning about their ...
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      Structuring topologically aware overlay networks using domain names 

      Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Kalogeraki, Vana (2006)
      Overlay networks are application layer systems which facilitate users in performing distributed functions such as searches over the contents of other users. An important problem in such networks is that the connections ...
    • Article  

      Weighted clustering of attributed multi-graphs 

      Papadopoulos, Antonios I.; Pallis, George C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2017)
      An information network modeled as an attributed multi-graph contains objects described by heterogeneous attributes and connected by multiple types of edges. In this paper we study the problem of identifying groups of related ...
    • Conference Object  

      Wireless broadcast data scheduling in environment with re-attempt users: Optimization through intelligent feedback monitoring 

      Vlajic, N.; Charalambous, Charalambos D.; Makrakis, D. (2001)
      Most of the previous work on wireless broadcast data scheduling has been based on simplified assumptions regarding mobile user behaviour. In this paper, we show that the employment of a realistic mobile user behaviour model ...