• Article  

      Network game with attacker and protector entities 

      Mavronicolas, Marios; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou; Philippou, Anna; Spirakis, Paul G. (2005)
      Consider an information network with harmful procedures called attackers (e.g., viruses)
    • Article  

      A network game with attackers and a defender 

      Mavronicolas, Marios; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou; Philippou, Anna; Spirakis, Paul G. (2008)
      Consider an information network with threats called attackers
    • Conference Object  

      Neural Networks in Comparing USN and Wageningen B-Series Marine Propellers 

      Neocleous, Costas K.; Schizas, Christos N. (2003)
      The USN-series of experimental data on marine propeller performance (Denny et al, 1989) were compared with fitted Wageningen B-Series data. A Kohonen network has been used to attempt finding non-obvious similarities between ...
    • Article  

      A new linear adaptive controller: Design, analysis and performance 

      Zhang, Y.; Ioannou, Petros A. (2000)
      The certainty equivalence and polynomial approach, widely used for designing adaptive controllers, leads to "simple" adaptive control designs that guarantee stability, asymptotic error convergence, and robustness, but not ...
    • Article  

      A nonoverlapping domain decomposition method for Legendre spectral collocation problems 

      Bialecki, B.; Karageorghis, Andreas (2007)
      We consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for Poisson's equation in an L-shaped region or a rectangle with a cross-point. In both cases, we approximate the Dirichlet problem using Legendre spectral collocation, that ...
    • Article  

      A note on p/hp finite element methods for reaction-diffusion problems in polygonal domains 

      Xenophontos, Christos A. (2000)
      We present guidelines on how to choose the mesh and polynomial degree distribution for the approximation of reaction-diffusion problems in polygonal domains, in the context of the hp finite element method. These guidelines ...
    • Article  

      Observation of the narrow state X(3872) → J/ψπ+π- in p̄p collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV 

      Acosta, D.; Affolder, T.; Ahn, M. H.; Akimoto, T.; Albrow, M. G.; Ambrose, D.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Anikeev, K.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Aoki, M.; Apollinari, G.; Arguin, J. -F; Arisawa, T.; Artikov, A.; Asakawa, T.; Ashmanskas, W.; Attal, A.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bachacou, H.; Badgett, W.; Bailey, S.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barker, G.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Baroiant, S.; Barone, M.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Belforte, S.; Bell, W. H.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Bishai, M.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bloom, K.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Bolla, G.; Bolshov, A.; Booth, P. S. L.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Bourov, S.; Bromberg, C.; Brubaker, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Byrum, K. L.; Cabrera, S.; Calafiura, P.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canepa, A.; Carlsmith, D.; Carron, S.; Carosi, R.; Casarsa, M.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cerri, A.; Cerri, C.; Cerrito, L.; Chapman, J.; Chen, C.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chu, M. L.; Chung, J. Y.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A. G.; Clark, D.; Coca, M. N.; Connolly, A.; Convery, M. E.; Conway, J.; Cordelli, M.; Cortiana, G.; Cranshaw, J.; Culbertson, R.; Currat, C.; Cyr, D.; Dagenhart, D.; DaRonco, S.; D'Auria, S.; de Barbaro, P.; de Cecco, S.; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Dell'Agnello, Simone; Dell'Orso, M.; Demers, S.; Demortier, L.; Deninno, M.; de Pedis, D.; Derwent, P. F.; Dionisi, Carlo; Dittmann, J. R.; Doksus, P.; Dominguez, A.; Donati, S.; D'Onofrio, M.; Dorigo, T.; Drollinger, V.; Ebina, K.; Eddy, N.; Ely, R.; Erbacher, R.; Erdmann, M.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Eusebi, R.; Fang, H. -C; Farrington, S.; Fedorko, I.; Feild, R. G.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Ferretti, C.; Field, R. D.; Fiori, I.; Flanagan, G.; Flaugher, B.; Flores-Castillo, L. R.; Foland, A.; Forrester, S.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Frisch, H.; Fujii, Y.; Furic, I.; Gaijar, A.; Gallas, A.; Gallinaro, M.; Galyardt, J.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Gerberich, H.; Gerchtein, E.; Gerdes, D. W.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, K.; Ginsburg, C.; Giolo, K.; Giordani, M.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldschmidt, N.; Goldstein, D.; Goldstein, J.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gotra, Y.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Gresele, A.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Guenther, M.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Haber, C.; Hahn, K.; Hahn, S. R.; Halkiadakis, Eva; Hall, C.; Handler, R.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, M.; Harr, R. F.; Harris, R. M.; Hartmann, F.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Hays, C.; Hayward, H.; Heider, E.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J.; Hennecke, M.; Herndon, M.; Hill, C.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hocker, A.; Hoffman, K. D.; Holloway, A.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M. A.; Huang, Y.; Huffman, B. T.; Hughes, R. E.; Huston, J.; Ikado, K.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Issever, C.; Ivanov, A.; Iwata, Y.; Iyutin, B.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jarrell, J.; Jeans, D.; Jensen, H.; Jones, M.; Jun, S. Y.; Junk, T.; Kamon, T.; Kang, J.; Karagoz Unel, M.; Karchin, P. E.; Kartal, S.; Kato, Y.; Kemp, Y.; Kephart, R.; Kerzel, U.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, B. J.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, M. S.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, T. H.; Kim, Y. K.; King, B. T.; Kirby, M.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Knuteson, B.; Ko, B. R.; Kobayashi, H.; Koehn, P.; Kondo, K.; Konigsberg, J.; Kordas, Kostas; Korn, A.; Korytov, A.; Kotelnikov, K.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kovalev, A.; Kraus, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Kreymer, A.; Kroll, J.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kuznetsova, N.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, S.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, J.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; Lauhakangas, R.; Lazzizzera, I.; Le, Y.; Lecci, C.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, J.; Lee, J.; Lee, S. W.; Leonardo, N.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Li, K.; Lin, C. S.; Lindgren, M.; Liss, T. M.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, T.; Liu, Y.; Lockyer, N. S.; Loginov, A.; Loken, J.; Loreti, M.; Loverre, P.; Lucchesi, D.; Lukens, P.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; MacQueen, D.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maksimovic, P.; Malferrari, L.; Manca, G.; Marginean, R.; Martin, A.; Martin, M.; Martin, V.; Martinez, M.; Maruyama, T.; Matsunaga, H.; Mattson, M.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McGivern, D.; McIntyre, P. M.; McNamara, P.; McNulty, R.; Menzemer, S.; Menzione, A.; Merkel, P.; Mesropian, C.; Messina, A.; Meyer, A.; Miao, T.; Miladinovic, N.; Miller, L.; Miller, R.; Miller, J. S.; Miquel, R.; Miscetti, S.; Mishina, M.; Mitselmakher, G.; Miyamoto, A.; Miyazaki, Y.; Moggi, N.; Moore, R.; Morello, M.; Moulik, T.; Mukherjee, A.; Mulhearn, M.; Muller, T.; Mumford, R.; Munar, A.; Murat, P.; Nachtman, J.; Nahn, S.; Nakamura, I.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Napora, R.; Necula, V.; Niell, F.; Nielsen, J.; Nelson, C.; Nelson, T.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Nicollerat, A. -S; Nigmanov, T.; Nodulman, L.; Oesterberg, K.; Ogawa, T.; Oh, S.; Oh, Y. D.; Ohsugi, T.; Oishi, R.; Okusawa, T.; Oldeman, R.; Orava, R.; Orejudos, W.; Pagliarone, C.; Palmonari, F.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Pashapour, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Pauly, T.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D.; Penzo, A.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Piedra, J.; Pitts, K. T.; Pompoš, A.; Pondrom, L.; Pope, G.; Poukhov, O.; Prakoshyn, F.; Pratt, T.; Pronko, A.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Rademacker, J.; Rakitine, A.; Rappoccio, S.; Ratnikov, F.; Ray, H.; Reichold, A.; Rekovic, V.; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Rimondi, F.; Rinnert, K.; Ristori, L.; Robertson, W. J.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rolli, S.; Rosenson, L.; Roser, R.; Rossin, R.; Rott, C.; Russ, J.; Ruiz, A.; Ryan, D.; Saarikko, H.; Safonov, A.; Denis, R. S.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Saltzberg, D.; Sanchez, C.; Sansoni, A.; Santi, L.; Sarkar, S.; Sato, K.; Savard, P.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Schemitz, P.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Scodellaro, L.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Sedov, A.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semeria, F.; Sexton-Kennedy, L.; Sfiligoi, I.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shears, T.; Shepard, P. F.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shon, Y.; Sidoti, A.; Siket, M.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sisakyan, A.; Skiba, A.; Slaughter, A. J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Snihur, R.; Somalwar, S. V.; Spalding, J.; Spezziga, M.; Spiegel, L.; Spinella, F.; Spiropulu, Maria; Squillacioti, P.; Stadie, H.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Strologas, John; Stuart, D.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumorok, K.; Sun, H.; Suzuki, T.; Taffard, A.; Tafirout, R.; Takach, S. F.; Takano, H.; Takashima, R.; Takeuchi, Y.; Takikawa, K.; Tamburello, P.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tanimoto, N.; Tapprogge, S.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Tesarek, R. J.; Tether, S.; Thom, J.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomson, E.; Thurman-Keup, R.; Tipton, P.; Tiwari, V.; Tkaczyk, S.; Toback, D.; Tollefson, K.; Tonelli, D.; Tönnesmann, M.; Torre, S.; Torretta, D.; Trischuk, W.; Tseng, J.; Tsuchiya, R.; Tsuno, S.; Tsybychev, D.; Turini, N.; Turner, M.; Ukegawa, F.; Unverhau, T.; Uozumi, S.; Usynin, D.; Vacavant, L.; Vaiciulis, T.; Varganov, A.; Vataga, E.; Vejcik III, S.; Velev, G.; Veramendi, G.; Vickey, T.; Vidal, R.; Vila, I.; Vilar, R.; Volobouev, I.; von der Mey, M.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wagner, W.; Wallace, N.; Walter, T.; Wan, Z.; Wang, M. J.; Wang, S. M.; Warburton, A.; Ward, B.; Waschke, S.; Waters, D.; Watts, T.; Weber, M.; Wester, W.; Whitehouse, B.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wittich, P.; Wolbers, S.; Wolter, M.; Worcester, M.; Worm, S.; Wright, T.; Wu, X.; Würthwein, F.; Wyatt, A.; Yagil, A.; Yamashita, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Yang, U. K.; Yao, W.; Yeh, G. P.; Yi, K.; Yoh, J.; Yoon, P.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, I.; Yu, S.; Yu, Z.; Yun, J. C.; Zanello, L.; Zanetti, A.; Zaw, I.; Zetti, F.; Zhou, J.; Žsenei, A.; Zucchelli, S. (2004)
      The observation of a state consistent with X(3872) decaying into J/ψπ+π- was reported. The X(3872) mass was measured to be 3871.3±0.7(stat)±0.4(syst)MeV/c2 from a sample of 730±90 candidates. The observed width was consistent ...
    • Article  

      On the computational complexity of assumption-based argumentation for default reasoning 

      Dimopoulos, Yannis; Nebel, B.; Toni, F. (2002)
      Bondarenko et al. have recently proposed an abstract framework for default reasoning. Besides capturing most existing formalisms and proving that their standard semantics all coincide, the framework extends these formalisms ...
    • Article  

      Open problems in constructive function theory 

      Baratchart, L.; Martínez-Finkelshtein, A.; Jimenez, D.; Lubinsky, D. S.; Mhaskar, H. N.; Pritsker, I.; Putinar, M.; Stylianopoulos, Nikos S.; Totik, V.; Varju, P.; Xu, Y. (2006)
      A number of open problems on constructive function theory are presented. These were submitted by participants of Constructive Function Theory Tech-04. Copyright © 2006, Kent State University.
    • Article  

      Optimal, distributed decision-making: The case of no communication 

      Georgiades, Stavros; Mavronicolas, Marios; Spirakis, Paul G. (1999)
      We present a combinatorial framework for the study of a natural class of distributed optimization problems that involve decisionmaking by a collection of n distributed agents in the presence of incomplete information
    • Article  

      Orthogonal polynomials for area-type measures and image recovery 

      Saff, E. B.; Stahl, H.; Stylianopoulos, Nikos S.; Totik, V. (2015)
      Let G be a finite union of disjoint and bounded Jordan domains in the complex plane, let K be a compact subset of G, and consider the set G∗ obtained from G by removing K
    • Article  

      A Parameter Robust Finite Element Method for Fourth Order Singularly Perturbed Problems 

      Xenophontos, Christos A. (2017)
      We consider fourth order singularly perturbed problems in one-dimension and the approximation of their solution by the h version of the finite element method. In particular, we use piecewise Hermite polynomials of degree ...
    • Conference Object  

      Performance analysis of sum-product algorithms for multiple fault diagnosis applications 

      Le, T.; Tatikonda, S.; Hadjicostis, Christoforos N. (2010)
      In this paper, we study the application of sum-product algorithms (SPAs) to multiple fault diagnosis (MFD) problems in order to diagnose the most likely state of each component given the status of alarms. SPAs are heuristic ...
    • Article  

      Performance and stability bounds for dynamic networks 

      Koukopoulos, D.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Spirakis, Paul G. (2007)
      In this work, we study the impact of dynamically changing link capacities on the delay bounds of LIS (Longest-In-System) and SIS (Shortest-In-System) protocols on specific networks (that can be modelled as Directed Acyclic ...
    • Article  

      Piecewise linear emulation of propagating fronts as a method for determining their speeds 

      Theodorakis, Stavros; Svoukis, E. (2003)
      The selected speed of pushed fronts was found through analytic calculations. The resulting analytic solution constitutes an excellent approximation to the exact propagating front, yielding also the correct value for the ...
    • Conference Object  

      The power of the defender 

      Gelastou, Marina; Mavronicolas, Marios; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou; Philippou, Anna; Spirakis, Paul G. (2006)
      We consider a security problem on a distributed network. We assume a network whose nodes are vulnerable to infection by threats (e.g. viruses), the attackers. A system security software, the defender, is available in the ...
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      The price of anarchy for polynomial social cost 

      Gairing, M.; Lücking, T.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Monien, Burkhard (2006)
      In this work, we consider an interesting variant of the well studied KP model for selfish routing on parallel links, which reflects some influence from the much older Wardrop model [J.G. Wardrop, Some theoretical aspects ...
    • Article  

      The price of anarchy for polynomial social cost 

      Gairing, M.; Lücking, T.; Mavronicolas, Marios; Monien, Burkhard (2004)
      In this work, we consider an interesting variant of the well-studied KP model [18] for selfish routing that reflects some influence from the much older Wardrop model [31]. In the new model, user traffics are still unsplittable, ...
    • Article  

      The price of defense 

      Mavronicolas, Marios; Michael, Loizos; Lesta, Vicky Papadopoulou; Philippou, Anna; Spirakis, Paul G. (2006)
      We consider a strategic game with two classes of confronting randomized players on a graph G(V, E): v attackers, each choosing vertices and wishing to minimize the probability of being caught, and a defender, who chooses ...
    • Article  

      Search for Bs 0 → μ+μ - and Bd 0 → μ+μ - decays in pp̄ collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV 

      Acousta, D.; Affolder, T.; Akimoto, T.; Albrow, M. G.; Ambrose, D.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Anikeev, K.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Aoki, M.; Apollinari, G.; Arisawa, T.; Arguin, J. -F; Artikov, A.; Ashmanskas, W.; Attal, A.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bachacou, H.; Badgett, W.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barker, G. J.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Baroiant, S.; Barone, M.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, Andrew; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Bishai, M.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bloom, K.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Bolla, G.; Bolshov, A.; Booth, P. S. L.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Bourov, S.; Bromberg, C.; Brubaker, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Byrum, K. L.; Cabrera, S.; Calafiura, P.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canepa, A.; Casarsa, M.; Carlsmith, D.; Carron, S.; Carosi, R.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cerri, A.; Cerri, C.; Cerrito, L.; Chapman, J.; Chen, C.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, I.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chu, M. L.; Chuang, S.; Chung, J. Y.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A. G.; Clark, D.; Coca, M.; Connolly, A.; Convery, M.; Conway, J.; Cordelli, M.; Cortiana, G.; Cranshaw, J.; Cuevas, J.; Culbertson, R.; Currat, C.; Cyr, D.; Dagenhart, D.; da Ronco, S.; D'Auria, S.; de Barbaro, P.; de Cecco, S.; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Dell'Agnello, Simone; Dell'Orso, M.; Demers, S.; Demortier, L.; Dininno, M.; de Pedis, D.; Derwent, P. F.; Devlin, T.; Dionisi, Carlo; Dittmann, J. R.; Doksus, P.; Dominguez, A.; Donati, S.; Donegà, Mauro; D'Onnofrio, M.; Dorigo, T.; Drollinger, V.; Ebina, K.; Eddy, N.; Ely, R.; Erbacher, R.; Erdmann, M.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Eusebi, R.; Fang, H. -C; Farrington, S.; Fedorko, I.; Feild, R. G.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Ferretti, C.; Field, R. D.; Fiori, I.; Flanagan, G.; Flaugher, B.; Flores-Castillo, L. R.; Foland, A.; Forrester, S.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Frisch, H.; Fujii, Y.; Furic, I.; Gajjar, A.; Gallas, A.; Galyardt, J.; Gallinaro, M.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gay, C.; Gerberich, H.; Gerdes, D. W.; Gerchtein, E.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, A.; Gibson, K.; Ginsburg, C.; Giolo, K.; Giordani, M.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldschmidt, N.; Goldstein, D.; Goldstein, J.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Gondcharov, M.; González, O.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gotra, Y.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Gresele, A.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Guenther, M.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Haber, C.; Hahn, K.; Hahn, S. R.; Halkiadakis, Eva; Handler, R.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, M.; Harr, R. F.; Harris, R. M.; Hartmann, F.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Hays, C.; Hayward, H.; Heider, E.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J.; Hennecke, M.; Herndon, M.; Hill, C.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hocker, A.; Hoffman, K. D.; Holloway, A.; Hou, S.; Houlden, M. A.; Huffman, B. T.; Huang, Y.; Hughes, R. E.; Huston, J.; Ikado, K.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ishizawa, Y.; Issever, C.; Ivanov, A.; Iwata, Y.; Iyutin, B.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jarrell, J.; Jeans, D.; Jensen, H.; Jeon, E. J.; Jones, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jun, S.; Junk, T.; Kamon, T.; Kang, J.; Karagoz Unel, M.; Karchin, P. E.; Kartal, S.; Kato, Y.; Kemp, Y.; Kephart, R.; Kerzel, U.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, M. S.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, T. H.; Kim, Y. K.; King, B. T.; Kirby, M.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Knuteson, B.; Ko, B. R.; Kobayashi, H.; Koehn, P.; Kong, D. J.; Kondo, K.; Kongisberg, J.; Kordas, K.; Korn, A.; Korytov, A.; Kotelnikov, K.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kovalev, A.; Kraus, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Kreymer, A.; Kroll, J.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kuznetsova, N.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, S.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, J.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; Lauhakangas, R.; Lazzizzera, I.; Le, Y.; Lecci, C.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, J.; Lee, S. W.; Leonardo, N.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Li, K.; Lin, C.; Lin, C. S.; Lindgren, M.; Liss, T. M.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, T.; Liu, Y.; Lockyer, N. S.; Loginov, A.; Loreti, M.; Loverre, P.; Lu, R. -S; Lucchesi, D.; Lukens, P.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Lysak, R.; MacQueen, D.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maksimovic, P.; Malferrari, L.; Manca, G.; Marginean, R.; Martin, M.; Martin, A.; Martin, V.; Martiínez, M.; Maruyama, T.; Matsunaga, H.; Mattson, M.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McGivern, D.; McIntyre, P. M.; McNamara, P.; McNulty, R.; Menzemer, S.; Menzione, A.; Merkel, P.; Mesropian, C.; Messina, A.; Miao, T.; Miladinovic, N.; Miller, L.; Miller, R.; Miller, J. S.; Miquel, R.; Miscetti, S.; Mitselmakher, G.; Miyamoto, A.; Miyazaki, Y.; Moggi, N.; Mohr, B.; Moore, R.; Morello, M.; Moulik, T.; Mukherjee, A.; Mulhearn, M.; Muller, T.; Mumford, R.; Munar, A.; Murat, P.; Nachtman, J.; Nahn, S.; Nakamura, I.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Napora, R.; Naumov, D.; Necula, V.; Niell, F.; Nielsen, J.; Nelson, C.; Nelson, T.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Nicollerat, A. -S; Nigmanov, T.; Nodulman, L.; Oesterberg, K.; Ogawa, T.; Oh, S.; Oh, Y. D.; Ohsugi, T.; Okusawa, T.; Oldeman, R.; Orava, R.; Orejudos, W.; Pagliarone, C.; Palmonari, F.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Pashapour, S.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Pauly, T.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D.; Penzo, A.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Piedra, J.; Pitts, K. T.; Plager, C.; Pompoš, A.; Pondrom, L.; Pope, G.; Poukhov, O.; Prakoshyn, F.; Pratt, T.; Pronko, A.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Punzi, G.; Rademacker, J.; Rakitine, A.; Rappoccio, S.; Ratnikov, F.; Ray, H.; Reichold, A.; Rekovic, V.; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Rimondi, F.; Rinnert, K.; Ristori, L.; Robertson, W. J.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rolli, S.; Rosenson, L.; Roser, R.; Rossin, R.; Rott, C.; Russ, J.; Ruiz, A.; Ryan, D.; Saarikko, H.; Safonov, A.; Denis, R. S.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Salamanna, G.; Saltzberg, D.; Sanchez, C.; Sansoni, A.; Santi, L.; Sarkar, S.; Sato, K.; Savard, P.; Schemitz, P.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Scodellaro, L.; Sfiligoi, I.; Shears, T.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Sefov, A.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semeria, F.; Sexton-Kennedy, L.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shepard, P. F.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shon, Y.; Shreyber, I.; Sidoti, A.; Siket, M.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sisakyan, A.; Skiba, A.; Slaughter, A. J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Snihur, R.; Somalwar, S. V.; Spalding, J.; Spezziga, M.; Spiegel, L.; Spinella, F.; Spiropulu, Maria; Squillacioti, P.; Stadie, H.; Stefanini, A.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Strologas, John; Stuart, D.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumorok, K.; Sun, H.; Suzuki, T.; Taffard, A.; Tafirout, R.; Takach, S. F.; Takano, H.; Takashima, R.; Takeuchi, Y.; Takikawa, K.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tanimoto, N.; Tapprogge, S.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Tesarek, R. J.; Tether, S.; Thom, J.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomson, E.; Tipton, P.; Tiwari, V.; Tkaczyk, S.; Toback, D.; Tollefson, K.; Tonelli, D.; Tonnesmann, M.; Torre, S.; Torretta, D.; Trischuk, W.; Tseng, J.; Tsuchiya, R.; Tsuno, S.; Tsybychev, D.; Turini, N.; Turner, M.; Ukegawa, F.; Unverhau, T.; Uozumi, S.; Usynin, D.; Vacavant, L.; Vaiciulis, A.; Varganov, A.; Vataga, E.; Vejcik, S.; Velev, G.; Veramendi, G.; Vickey, T.; Vidal, R.; Vila, I.; Vilar, R.; Volobouev, I.; von der Mey, M.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wagner, W.; Wallny, R.; Walter, T.; Yamashita, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Wan, Z.; Wang, M. J.; Wang, S. M.; Warburton, A.; Ward, B.; Waschke, S.; Waters, D.; Watts, T.; Weber, M.; Wester, W. C.; Whitehouse, B.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wittich, P.; Wolbers, S.; Wolter, M.; Worcester, M.; Worm, S.; Wright, T.; Wu, X.; Würthwein, F.; Wyatt, A.; Yagil, A.; Yang, U. K.; Yao, W.; Yeh, G. P.; Yi, K.; Yoh, J.; Yoon, P.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, I.; Yu, S.; Yu, Z.; Yun, J. C.; Zanello, L.; Zanetti, A.; Zaw, I.; Zetti, F.; Zhou, J.; Žsenei, A.; Zucchelli, S. (2004)
      The decay mechanisms of Bs 0 → μ +μ- and Bd 0 → μ +μ- in pp̄ collisions were investigated. For discrimination of the decays from background events, four variables were used such as invariant mass of muon pair, B-candidate ...