• Article  

      Some recent progress in count time series 

      Fokianos, Konstantinos (2011)
      We reviewsome regression models for the analysis of count time series. These models have been the focus of several investigations over the last years, but only recently simple conditions for stationarity and ergodicity ...
    • Article  

      Tumor volumetry as predictive and prognostic factor in the management of ovarian cancer 

      Andreopoulou, E.; Andreopoulos, D.; Adamidis, K.; Fountzila-Kalogera, A.; Fountzilas, George; Dimopoulos, M. A.; Aravantinos, Gerasimos; Zamboglou, N.; Baltas, D.; Pavlidis, Nicholas (2002)
      Background: The usefulness of tumor volumetry in ovarian epithelial cancer has never been intensively investigated. The aim of the present study was to determine the value of quantitative analysis of tumor volume as a ...