• Article  

      Introduction: The what, how and why of developmental change: The emergence of a new paradigm 

      Demetriou, Andreas P.; Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2005)
      This book presents current theory and research on cognitive change. Chapter authors were invited to discuss cognitive change from the perspective of its three main aspects. Its object (what changes in the mind during ...
    • Article  

      Is perception informationally encapsulated? The issue of the theory-ladenness of perception 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2001)
      Fodor has argued that observation is theory neutral, since the perceptual systems are modular, that is, they are domain-specific, encapsulated, mandatory, fast, hard-wired in the organism, and have a fixed neural architecture. ...
    • Article  

      Knowledge statements and belief statements: how do their differences matter for Science Education? 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (University of Patras, Laboratory of Didactics of Science Mathematics & ICT, 2015)
      In this paper, I examine first the way knowledge-statements and belief-statements are questioned in ordinary language. The former are questioned by "how do you know?" questions, while the latter are questioned by "why do ...
    • Article  

      Late vision: Processes and epistemic status 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2011)
      In this paper, I examine the processes that occur in late vision and address the problem of whether late vision should be construed as a properly speaking perceptual stage, or as a thought-like discursive stage. Specifically, ...
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      Lessons from the History of the Concept of the Ray for Teaching Geometrical Optics 

      Andreou, C.; Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2011)
      There are two indisputable findings in science education research. First, students go to school with some intuitive beliefs about the natural world and physical phenomena that pose an obstacle to the learning of formal ...
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      Modeling the Developing Mind: From Structure to Change 

      Demetriou, Andreas P.; Raftopoulos, Athanassios (1999)
      This article presents a theory of cognitive change. The theory assumes that the fundamental causes of cognitive change reside in the architecture of the mind. Thus, the architecture of the mind as specified by the theory ...
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      Newton's experimental proofs as eliminative reasoning 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (1999)
      In this paper I discuss Newton's first optical paper. My aim is to examine the type of argument which Newton uses in order to convince his readers of the truth of his theory of colors. My claim is that this argument is an ...
    • Article  

      Nonconceptual content: A reply to Toribio's "Nonconceptualism and the cognitive impenetrability of early vision" 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2014)
      Toribio argues against my thesis that the cognitive penetrability (CP) of the content of early vision is a necessary and sufficient condition for this content to be nonconceptual content (NCC)-the MET (mutually entailing ...
    • Book  

      Perception, realism, and the problem of reference 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios; Machamer, P. (2012)
      One of the perennial themes in philosophy is the problem of our access to the world around us; do our perceptual systems bring us into contact with the world as it is or does perception depend upon our individual conceptual ...
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      Perceptual systems and realism 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2008)
      Constructivism undermines realism by arguing that experience is mediated by concepts, and that there is no direct way to examine those aspects of objects that belong to them independently of our conceptualizations; perception ...
    • Article  

      The phenomenal content of experience 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios; Müller, V. C. (2006)
      We discuss in some length evidence from the cognitive science suggesting that the representations of objects based on spatiotemporal information and featural information retrieved bottom-up from a visual scene precede ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Pre-Cueing, Early Vision, and Cognitive Penetrability 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (De Gruyter, 2019)
      I have argued that early vision is cognitively impenetrable because its processes do not operate over cognitive contents. Recently it has been argued that pre-cueing guided by cognitively driven attention affects early ...
    • Article  

      Pre-cueing, the Epistemic Role of Early Vision, and the Cognitive Impenetrability of Early Vision 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (Frontiers Media S.A, 2017)
      I have argued (Raftopoulos, 2009, 2014) that early vision is not directly affected by cognition since its processes do not draw on cognition as an informational resource; early vision processes do not operate over cognitive ...
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      Preface and acknowledgements 

      Demetriou, Andreas P.; Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2005)
      Most of the chapters included in this volume have first been presented at two conference symposia, one organized for the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development that took place in Minneapolis in ...
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      The properties and the nature of light: The study of newton's work and the teaching of optics 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios; Kalyfommatou, Niki; Constantinou, Constantinos P. (2005)
      The history of science shows that for each scientific issue there may be more than one models that are simultaneously accepted by the scientific community. One such case concerns the wave and corpuscular models of light. ...
    • Article  

      The properties and the nature of light: The study of newton's work and the teaching of optics 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios; Kalyfommatou, Niki; Constantinou, Constantinos P. (2005)
      The history of science shows that for each scientific issue there may be more than one models that are simultaneously accepted by the scientific community. One such case concerns the wave and corpuscular models of light. ...
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      Reentrant neural pathways and the theory-ladenness of perception 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2001)
      In this paper I argue for the cognitive impenetrability of perception by undermining the argument from reentrant pathways. To do that I will adduce psychological and neuropsychological evidence showing that (a) early vision ...
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      Reference, perception, and attention 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2009)
      I examine John Campbell's claim that the determination of the reference of a perceptual demonstrative requires conscious visual object-based selective attention. I argue that although Campbell's claim to the effect that, ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Reference, perception, and realism 

      Raftopoulos, Athanassios; Machamer, P. (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
      One of the perennial themes in philosophy has been the problem of our access (if any) to the world around us. This is, widely construed, the problem of realism. The question can be made more specific. Do our perceptual ...