• Article  

      Decreased centrality of cortical volume covariance networks in autism spectrum disorders 

      Balardin, J. B.; Comfort, W. E.; Daly, Eileen M.; Murphy, Clodagh M.; Andrews, Derek Sayre; Murphy, Declan G. M.; Ecker, C.; Sato, J. R.; Bailey, Anthony J.; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Bolton, P. F.; Bullmore, Edward T.; Carrington, S.; Catani, Marco; Chakrabarti, B.; Craig, Michael C.; Daly, Eileen M.; Deoni, Sean C. L.; Happé, Francesca; Henty, Julian; Jezzard, Peter; Johnston, Patrick; Jones, D. K.; Lai, Meng-Chuan; Lombardo, Michael V.; Madden, A.; Mullins, D.; Murphy, Clodagh M.; Murphy, Declan G. M.; Pasco, Greg; Ruigrok, Amber N. V.; Sadek, Susan A.; Spain, D.; Stewart, R.; Suckling, John; Wheelwright, Sally J.; Williams, Steven C. R.; Wilson, C. E.; MRC AIMS Consortium (2015)
      Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by atypical structural and functional brain connectivity. Complex network analysis has been mainly used to describe altered ...
    • Article  

      Relationship between surface-based brain morphometric measures and intelligence in autism spectrum disorders: Influence of history of language delay 

      Balardin, J. B.; Sato, J. R.; Vieira, G.; Feng, Yue; Daly,Eileen M.; Murphy,Clodagh M.; Bailey, Anthony J.; Carrington, S.; Jezzard, Peter; Stewart, R.; Baron-Cohen,Simon; Bullmore,Edward T.; Chakrabarti,B.; Henty, Julian; Lai,Meng-Chuan; Lombardo,Michael V.; Pasco, Greg; Ruigrok,Amber N. V.; Sadek,Susan A.; Suckling,John; Wheelwright,Sally J.; Bolton, P. F.; Catani, Marco; Craig, Michael C.; Daly,Eileen M.; Deoni,Sean C. L.; Ecker,C.; Happé,Francesca; Johnston,Patrick; Jones, D. K.; Madden, A.; Mullins, D.; Murphy,Clodagh M.; Murphy,Declan G. M.; Spain,D.; Williams,Steven C. R.; Wilson, C. E.; Murphy,Clodagh M. (2015)
      Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of conditions that show abnormalities in the neuroanatomy of multiple brain regions. The variability in the development of intelligence and language among individuals on the ...