• Conference Object  

      Analysing cancer genomics in the elastic cloud 

      Smowton, C.; Miller, C.; Xing, Wei; Balla, A.; Antoniades, Demetris; Pallis, George C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)
      With the rapidly growing demand for DNA analysis, the need for storing and processing large-scale genome data has presented significant challenges. This paper describes how the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) can be deployed ...
    • Article  

      A cost-effective approach to improving performance of big genomic data analyses in clouds 

      Smowton, C.; Balla, A.; Antoniades, Demetris; Miller, C.; Pallis, George C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Xing, Wei (2017)
      With the rapidly growing demand for DNA analysis, the need for storing and processing large-scale genome data has presented significant challenges. This paper describes how the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) can be deployed ...
    • Conference Object  

      Real-time web crawler detection 

      Balla, A.; Stassopoulou, Athena; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2011)
      In this paper we present a methodology for detecting web crawlers in real time. We use decision trees to classify requests in real time, as originating from a crawler or human, while their session is ongoing. For this ...