Browsing by Author "Floros, Georgios"
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
Adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates CDI in Cypriot-Greek, A.G. Leventis Research Projects: 2000-2016 Reviews & Contributions
Floros, Georgios; Grohmann, Kleanthes K.; Kambanaros, Maria; Taxitari, Loukia (University of Cyprus & Leventis Foundation, 2016)
"Best Practice Guide" EVIVA Project - Εvaluating the Education of Interpreters and their Clients through Virtual. Learning Activities. Report to accompany Deliverable 8.2
Braun, Sabine; Davitti, Elena; Dicerto, Sara; Slater, Catherine; Tymczyoska, Maria; Kajzer-Wietrzny, Marta; Floros, Georgios; Kritsis, Konstantinos; Hoffstaedter, Petra; Kohn, Kurt (European Commission, 2014)
Book review of Seel, O. E. (2016) Εισαγωγή στη Γενική Μετάφραση [Introduction to General Translation]. [eBook]. Athens: Hellenic Academic Libraries Link.
Floros, Georgios (2015)
Book review of Griesel, Y. (2007). Die Inszenierung als Translat: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Theaterübertitelung. Frank & Timme
Floros, Georgios (2011)
Book review of Will, A. (2015). Verbale Indirektheiten beim Diskursdolmetschen am Beispiel des Sprachenpaars Polnisch-Deutsch. Frankfurt am Main: Lang
Floros, Georgios (2016)
Book Chapter
Chapter 15. The Greek-speaking tradition
Grammenidis, Simos; Floros, Georgios (Benjamins, 2019)The report on the Greek-speaking tradition focuses on the geographical area occupied by Greece and Cyprus. The Greek-speaking area has been practicing both intralingual and interlingual translation, with the former type ...
Conference Interpreting: Introducing the Mode
Floros, Georgios (2004)
Critical Reading: The case of culture in translation studies
Floros, Georgios (2005)
Conference Object
Cultural Constellations and Translation
Floros, Georgios (2007)
Book Chapter
Cultural Constellations and Translation
Floros, Georgios (AKS-Verlag, 2004)
Book Chapter
Early Language Development in a Bilectal Context: The Cypriot Adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates CDI
Taxitari, Loukia; Kambanaros, Maria; Floros, Georgios; Grohmann, Kleanthes K. (Multilingual Matters, 2017)
‘Ethics-less’ Theories and ‘Ethical’Practices: On Ethical Relativity in Translation
Floros, Georgios (2011)
Book Chapter
Evaluating Assessment Practices at the MCI in Cyprus
Floros, Georgios (Peter Lang, 2013)
“Evaluation Studies" EVIVA (Evaluating the Education of Interpreters and their Clients through Virtual Learning Activities) project, Deliverable 6.1.
Braun, Sabine; Davitti, Elena; Dicerto, Sara; Slater, Catherine; Tymczyoska, Maria; Kajzer-Wietrzny, Marta; Floros, Georgios; Kritsis, Konstantinos; Hoffstaedter, Petra; Kohn, Kurt (European Commission, 2014)
Forming a belief: The contribution of comprehension to the evaluation and persuasive impact of argumentative text
Diakidoy, Irene-Anna N.; Christodoulou, Stelios A.; Floros, Georgios; Iordanou, Kalypso; Kargopoulos, Philip V. (2015)
Doctoral Thesis
Kultur in Texten und ihre Übersetzung [Translation of Culture in Texts]
Floros, Georgios (Saarland University, Department of Applied Linguistics, Translation & Interpreting, 2001)
Conference Object
Kultur und Übersetzen
Floros, Georgios (Narr, 2003)
Kulturelle Konstellationen in Texten: Zur Beschreibung und Übersetzung von Kultur in Texten
Floros, Georgios (Narr, 2002)
Book Chapter
Legal Terminology in Cyprus: Linguistic Issues and Issues of Accessibility
Floros, Georgios (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017)
Legal translation in a postcolonial setting: the political implications of translating Cypriot legislation into Greek
Floros, Georgios (2014)