• Article  

      Estimating HIV incidence and number of undiagnosed individuals living with HIV in the European union/ European economic area, 2015 

      Pharris, Anastasia; Quinten, C.; Noori, T.; Amato-Gauci, A. J.; Sighem, A. van; Schmid, D.; Rueckerl, I.; Zangerle, R.; Sasse, A.; Beckhoven, D. van; Denauw, F.; Varleva, T.; Georgieva, V.; Blazic, T. N.; Pavlic, J.; Begovac, J.; Koliou, M.; Hadjihannas, L.; Demetriou, A.; Maly, M.; Šikolová, V.; Cowan, Susan; Fouchard, J.; Rüütel, K.; Pääsukene, A. L.; Liitsola, K.; Salminen, M.; Brummer-Korvenkontio, H.; Cazein, F.; Pillonel, J.; Lot, F.; Comboroure, J.-C.; Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, Barbara; Heiden, M. A. Der; Kupfer, G.; Marcus, U.; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.; Paraskeva, D.; Konte, Vasileia; Dudas, M.; Szalay, K.; Briem, H.; Sigmundsdottir, G.; Igoe, D.; O’Donnell, K.; Hurley, C.; Lyons, F.; Suligoi, B.; Caraglia, A.; Konova, S.; Erne, S.; Caplinskiene, I.; Fischer, A.; Hoffmann, P.; Melillo, J. M.; Melillo, T.; Coul, Eline Op de; David, S.; Blystad, H.; Myrberg, A. J.; Rosinska, M.; Wawer, I.; Mansinho, K.; Martins, H. C.; Melillo, T.; Mardarescu, Mariana; Truska, P.; Mikas, J.; Klavs, I.; Diaz, Alejandro; Nuñez, O.; Castillo, O.; Avdicova, Maria; Sonnerborg, A.; Kirwan, P.; Chau, C.; Okala, S.; Brown, A.; Delpech, Valerie (2016)
      Since 2011, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) incidence appears unchanged in the European Union/ European Economic Area with between 29,000 and 33,000 new cases reported annually up to 2015. Despite evidence that HIV ...
    • Article  

      Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in europe: A systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention 

      Wiessing, L.; Ferri, M.; Grady, B.; Kantzanou, M.; Sperle, I.; Cullen, K. J.; Hatzakis, Angelos E.; Prins, M.; Vickerman, P.; Lazarus, J. V.; Hope, V. D.; Matheï, C.; Busch, M.; Bollaerts, K.; Bogdanova, V.; Nesheva, E.; Fotsiou, N.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Mravčík, V.; Řehák, V.; Částková, J.; Hobstová, J.; Nechanská, B.; Fouchard, J.; Abel-Ollo, K.; Tefanova, V.; Tallo, T.; Brummer-Korvenkontio, H.; Brisacier, A. -C; Michot, I.; Jauffret-Roustide, M.; Zimmermann, R.; Fotiou, A.; Gazdag, G.; Tarján, A.; Galvin, B.; Thornton, L.; Cruciani, M.; Basso, M.; Karnite, A.; Caplinskiene, I.; Lopes, S.; Origer, A.; Melillo, J.; Camilleri, M.; Demanuele, C. O.; Croes, E.; Op De Coul, E.; Rosińska, M.; Struzik, M.; Martins, M.; Duran, D.; Vilar, G.; Resende, M. E.; Martins, H. C.; Abagiu, A. O.; Ruta, S.; Arama, V.; Kopilovic, B.; Kustec, T.; Klavs, I.; Aleixandre, N. L.; Folch, C.; Bravo, M. J.; Gómez, R. S.; Berglund, T.; Strandberg, J.; Hotho, D.; Van Houdt, S.; Low, A.; Mcdonald, B.; Platt, L.; Kalamara, E.; Giraudon, I.; Groshkova, T.; Palladino, C.; Hutchinson, S.; Ncube, F.; Eramova, I.; Goldberg, D.; Vicente, J.; Griffiths, P. (2014)
      Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) are a key population affected by hepatitis C virus (HCV). Treatment options are improving and may enhance prevention