Browsing by Author "Hatzipanayotou, Panos"
Now showing items 1-20 of 85
Asymmetric Tax Policy Responses in Large Economies With Cross-Border Pollution
Tsakiris, Nikos; Michael, Michael S.; Hatzipanayotou, Panos (2014)We build a model of cross-border pollution between two large open economies, one importing the polluting good and the other exporting it, and derive their non-cooperative trade and environmental tax policies. We show among ...
Border Tax Adjustments and Tariff-Tax Reforms with Consumption Pollution
Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2019)We develop a model of a small open economy, where pollution per unit of consumption between domestically produced and imported quantities of the same good differs. We show that the first-best policy combination calls for ...
Can competition for aid reduce pollution?
Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2005)
Can cross-border pollution reduce pollution?
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Lahiri, Sajal; Michael, Michael S. (2000)
Can cross-border pollution reduce pollution?
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Lahiri, Sajal; Michael, Michael S. (2002)We develop a two-country model of foreign aid and cross-border pollution resulting from production activities in the recipient country. There is both private and public abatement of pollution, the latter being financed ...
Capital flows, tariffs, and the host country’s welfare - Movimenti di capitali, dati e benessere del paese di destinazione
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (1989)
Competition for environmental aid and aid fungibility
Hadjiyiannis, Costas; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2013)Aid from environmentally conscious donors to developing recipients has long been thought of as a very promising way of preserving the global environment. However, aid is fungible and recipients cannot commit to using it ...
Cooperative and non-cooperative equilibrium consumption taxes in the presence of cross-border pollution
Michael, Michael S.; Hatzipanayotou, Panos (2013)We consider a two small open economies model with cross-border pollution that is generated from consumption. Within this framework we examine i) the non-cooperative equilibrium consumption taxes and compare them to when ...
Cross-border pollution and integrated reforms of trade and environmental tax policies in large economies
Tsakiris, Nikos; Michael, Michael S.; Hatzipanayotou, Panos (2011)
Cross-border pollution, public pollution abatement and capital tax competition
Hadjiyiannis, Costas; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2014)We analyze the case where governments have to use income tax revenue to finance public pollution abatement and relate the results to the existing literature on capital tax competition. We show that the impact of public ...
Cross-border pollution, terms of trade, and welfare
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Lahiri, Sajal; Michael, Michael S. (2008)We construct a two-good general equilibrium model of international trade for two small open economies where pollution from production is transmitted across borders. Governments in both countries impose emission taxes ...
Domestic and trade tax reforms in the presence of a public good and different neutrality conditions
Michael, Michael S.; Lahiri, Sajal; Hatzipanayotou, Panos (2011)
Domestic tax reforms under consumption-generated pollution and revenue constraint
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Lahiri, Sajal; Michael, Michael S. (2007)
The efficiency of decentralized environmental policies under global pollution and tradable emission permits
Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2018)We build a two asymmetric regions model with cross-border pollution related to production. Each region issues emission permits and revenues from their sales finance public pollution abatement. The decentralized level of ...
Emission permits and public pollution abatement: can decentralized environmental policies be efficient?
Tsakiris, Nikos; Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2015)We build a two regions general equilibrium model with cross-border pollution and either international or only inter-regional capital mobility. To control pollution each region uses public pollution abatement and issues ...
Environmental policy reforms in a small open economy with public and private abatement
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Lahiri, Sajal; Michael, Michael S. (2003)
Book Chapter
Environmental policy reforms in a small open economy with public and private abatement
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Lahiri, Sajal; Michael, Michael S. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002)The volume contains papers presented at a conference "On the International Dimension of Environmental Policy". It deals with two issues: *international environmental agreements
The financing of foreign aid and welfare: income versus consumption tax
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (2000)Empirical evidence shows that developed countries use income or consumption taxes to generate tax revenue, of which they transfer a certain fraction as aid to less developed countries. This paper constructs a two-country ...
Book Chapter
Foreign aid and employment policies in LDCs
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999)
Foreign aid and public goods
Hatzipanayotou, Panos; Michael, Michael S. (1995)Most less-developed countries (LDCs) use foreign economic aid to finance public consumption goods, or public intermediate inputs. This paper constructs a two-country general equilibrium trade model, where an income transfer ...