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      Genetic Data Suggest Multiple Introductions of the Lionfish (Pterois miles) into the Mediterranean Sea 

      Dimitriou, Andreas C.; Chartosia, Niki; Hall-Spencer, Jason M.; Kleitou, Periklis; Jimenez, Carlos; Antoniou, Charalampos; Hadjioannou, Louis; Kletou, Demetris; Sfenthourakis, Spyros (2019)
      Widespread reports over the last six years confirm the establishment of lionfish (Pterois miles) populations in the eastern Mediterranean. Accumulated knowledge on lionfish invasions in the western Atlantic Ocean has shown ...
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      Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island 

      Peyton, Jodey; Martinou, Angeliki F.; Pescott, Oliver L.; Demetriou, Monica; Adriaens, Tim; Arianoutsou, Margarita; Bazos, Ioannis; Bean, Colin W.; Booy, Olaf; Botham, Marc; Britton, J. Robert; Cervia, Javier Lobon; Charilaou, Pantelis; Chartosia, Niki; Dean, Hannah J.; Delipetrou, Pinelopi; Dimitriou, Andreas C.; Dörflinger, Gerald; Fawcett, Jim; Fyttis, Georgios; Galanidis, Alexandros; Galil, Bella; Hadjikyriakou, Thomas; Hadjistylli, Margarita; Ieronymidou, Christina; Jimenez, Carlos; Karachle, Paraskevi; Kassinis, Nikos; Kerametsidis, George; Kirschel, Alexander N. G.; Kleitou, Periklis; Kleitou, Demetris; Manolaki, Paraskevi; Michailidis, Nikolas; Mountford, J. Owen; Nikolaou, Charis; Papatheodoulou, Athina; Payiatas, Giorgios; Ribeiro, Filipe; Rorke, Stephanie L.; Samuel, Yianna; Savvides, Pantelis; Schafer, Stefanie M.; Tarkan, Ali Serhan; Silva-Rocha, Iolanda; Top, Nildeniz; Tricarico, Elena; Turvey, Katherine; Tziortzis, Iakovos; Tzirkalli, Elli; Verreycken, Hugo; Winfield, Ian J.; Zenetos, Argyro; Roy, Helen E. (2019)
      Invasive alien species (IAS) are one of the major drivers of change that can negatively affect biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services and human health
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      Invasive lionfish in the Mediterranean: Low public awareness yet high stakeholder concerns 

      Kleitou, Periklis; Savva, Ioannis; Kletou, Demetris; Hall-Spencer, Jason M.; Antoniou, Charalampos; Christodoulides, Yiannis; Chartosia, Niki; Hadjioannou, Louis; Dimitriou, Andreas C.; Jimenez, Carlos; Petrou, Antonis; Sfenthourakis, Spyros; Rees, Sian (2019)
      A lionfish invasion in the Western Atlantic has been one of the most ecologically harmful fish invasions to date. Experience there has shown that its management is most effective when the public and stakeholders are involved. ...
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      Response of the temperate scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa to high temperature and long-term nutrient enrichment 

      Hadjioannou, Louis; Jimenez, Carlos; Rottier, Cecile; Sfenthourakis, Spyros; Ferrier-Pagès, Christine (2019)
      Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and increased seawater temperatures are responsible for coral reef decline. In particular, they disrupt the relationship between corals and their dinoflagellate symbionts (bleaching). ...