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      Experiments on e+e--line emission in HI collisions 

      Bär, R.; Bałanda, A.; Baumann, J.; Berg, W.; Bethge, K.; Bokemeyer, H.; Folger, H.; Fröhlich, O.; Ganz, R.; Hartung, O.; Samek, M.; Salabura, P.; Schön, W.; Schwalm, D.; Stiebing, K.; Thee, P.; Berdermann, E.; Heine, F.; Heinz, S.; Joeres, O.; Kienle, P.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kozhuharov, C.; Leinberger, U.; Schröter, A.; Tsertos, Haralambos (1995)
      We summarize the current status of e+e--coincidence experiments performed by the EPOS and ORANGE collaborations at GSI. © 1995.
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      First energy and angle differential measurements of e+e--pairs emitted by internal pair conversion of excited heavy nuclei 

      Leinberger, U.; Berdermann, E.; Heine, F.; Heinz, S.; Joeres, O.; Kienle, P.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kozhuharov, C.; Schröter, A.; Tsertos, Haralambos; Hofmann, C.; Soff, G. (1998)
      We present the first energy and angle resolved measurements of e+e--pairs emitted from heavy nuclei (Ζ ≥ 40) at rest by internal pair conversion (IPC) of transitions with energies of less than 2 MeV as well as recent ...
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      New results on e+e--line emission in U+Ta collisions ORANGE collaboration at GSI 

      Leinberger, U.; Berdermann, E.; Heine, F.; Heinz, S.; Joeres, O.; Kienle, P.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kozhuharov, C.; Rhein, M.; Schröter, A.; Tsertos, Haralambos (1997)
      We present new results obtained from a series of follow-up e+e--coincidence measurements in heavy-ion collisions, utilizing an improved experimental set-up at the double-Orange β-spectrometer of GSI. The collision system ...
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      Positron spectra from internal pair conversion observed in 238U + 181Ta collisions 

      Heinz, S.; Berdermann, E.; Heine, F.; Joeres, O.; Kienle, P.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kozhuharov, C.; Leinberger, U.; Rhein, M.; Schröter, A.; Tsertos, Haralambos (2000)
      We present new results from measurements and simulations of positron spectra, originating from 238U + 181Ta collisions at beam energies close to the Coulomb barrier. The measurements were performed using an improved ...
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      Weak e+e- lines from internal pair conversion observed in collisions of 238U with heavy nuclei 

      Heinz, S.; Berdermann, E.; Heine, F.; Joeres, O.; Kienle, P.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kozhuharov, C.; Leinberger, U.; Rhein, M.; Schröter, A.; Tsertos, Haralambos (1998)
      We present the results of a Doppler-shift correction to the measured e+e--sum-energy spectra obtained from e+e--coincidence measurements in 238U + 206Pb and 238U + 181Ta collisions at beam energies close to the Coulomb ...