Browsing by Author "Lamprianou, Iasonas"
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
Accuracy of Measurement in the Context of Mathematics National Curriculum Tests in England for Ethnic Minority Pupils and Pupils Who Speak English as an Additional Language
Lamprianou, Iasonas; Boyle, Bill (2004)
Achievement testing with the Wechsler Quicktest: An examination of its psychometric properties and applied utility with a Greek-Cypriot sample
Vrachimi-Souroulla, Andry; Panayiotou, Georgia; Kokkinos, Constantinos M.; Lamprianou, Iasonas (2011)
Achievement testing with the Wechsler Quicktest: An examination of its psychometric properties and applied utility with a Greek-Cypriot sample
Vrachimi-Souroulla, A.; Panayiotou, Georgia; Kokkinos, Constantinos M.; Lamprianou, Iasonas (2011)The study aimed to field-test a Greek version of the Wechsler Quicktest and to examine its psychometric properties. The Quicktest was individually administered to 208 students, aged 5-14 years, along with a reading test. ...
‘All we need is love (and money)’! What do higher education students want from their families?
Lamprianou, Iasonas; Symeou, Loizos; Theodorou, Eleni (2019)
Application of single-level and multi-level Rasch models using the lme4 package
Lamprianou, Iasonas (2013)
Applying the Rasch Model in Social Sciences Using R
Lamprianou, Iasonas (Routledge, 2019)This unique text provides a step-by-step beginner’s guide to applying the Rasch model in R, a probabilistic model used by researchers across the social sciences to measure unobservable ("latent") variables. Each chapter ...
The assessment of athletics ‘knowledge’ with written and video tests
van Vuuren-Cassar, Gemma; Lamprianou, Iasonas (2006)
Attainment gap and responsible factors: a quantitative study in secondary schools in Cyprus
Theodosiou-Zipiti, Galatia; Lamprianou, Iasonas; West, M.; Muijs, D. (2011)The population in Cyprus, a recent European Union member, has become much more heterogeneous during the past decade. Here, we examine the attainment patterns of minority and native students enrolled in six secondary schools ...
Charting private tutoring in Cyprus: A socio-demographic perspective
Lamprianou, Iasonas; Lamprianou, T. A. (2013)
Comparability of examination standards between subjects: an international perspective
Lamprianou, Iasonas (2009)
Comparing the outcomes of two different approaches to CEFR-based rating of students’ writing performances across two European countries
Holzknecht, Franz; Huhta, Ari; Lamprianou, Iasonas (2018)
Construct validity of a developmental assessment on geometrical figure understanding: A rasch model analysis
Michael, P.; Gagatsis, Athanasios; Lamprianou, Iasonas; Deliyianni, Eleni; Monoyiou, Annita (2011)
Book Chapter
Contemporary political participation research: A critical assessment
Lamprianou, Iasonas (2013)
Corrigendum to Attainment Gap and Responsible Factors: A quantitative study in Secondary Schools in Cyprus (Intercultural Education, (2011), 22, 6 (529-544), 10.1080/14675986.2011.644954)
Theodosiou-Zipiti, Galatia; Lamprianou, Iasonas; West, M.; Muijs, D. (2013)
Cue Theory and International Trust in Europe: The EU as a Proxy for Trust in the UN
Lamprianou, Iasonas; Charalambous, Giorgos (2018)
Determinants of early retirement in the European union
Lamprianou, Iasonas (2012)This study uses a subsample of 18 European countries of the first release of the dataset of the fifth round of the European Social Survey to investigate the factors that affect the desired age of retirement and the discrepancy ...
Development of a comprehensiveness of Rasch measurement application scale
Lamprianou, Iasonas (2006)
Education and social stratification across Europe
Vryonides, M.; Lamprianou, Iasonas (2013)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors that affect progression to university education across Europe. Design/methodology/approach: The data used are obtained from the fourth round of the European ...
Emotion, Sophistication and Political Behavior: Evidence From a Laboratory Experiment: Emotion, Sophistication, and Political Behavior
Lamprianou, Iasonas; Ellinas, Antonis A. (2019)
Erratum to: Why school based assessment is not a universal feature of high stakes assessment systems?
Lamprianou, Iasonas; Christie, Thomas (2010)