• Article  

      Hand-Hygiene Mitigation Strategies Against Global Disease Spreading through the Air Transportation Network 

      Nicolaides, Christos; Avraam, Demetris; Cueto‐Felgueroso, Luis; González, Marta C.; Juanes, Ruben (2020)
      The risk for a global transmission of flu-type viruses is strengthened by the physical contact between humans and accelerated through individual mobility patterns. The Air Transportation System plays a critical role in ...
    • Article  

      Morphological organization of point-to-point transport in complex networks 

      Kang, Min-Yeong; Berthelot, Geoffroy; Tupikina, Liubov; Nicolaides, Christos; Colonna, Jean-Francois; Sapoval, Bernard; Grebenkov, Denis S. (2019)
      We investigate the structural organization of the point-to-point electric, diffusive or hydraulic transport in complex scale-free networks. The random choice of two nodes, a source and a drain, to which a potential difference ...