• Conference Object  Open Access

      Developing students' problem solving skills by learning simulation "hiking across Estonia" 

      Pedaste, Margus; Sarapuu, Tago (Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)
      A unique web-based learning environment “Hiking Across Estonia” (http://bio.edu.ee/tour/) comprising two modules – one for students and another for developers and researchers – has been composed. Students have to solve 30 ...
    • Book Chapter  

      Simulations, games, and modeling tools for learning 

      Jong, Ton de; Lazonder, Ard; Pedaste, Margus; Zacharia, Zacharias (Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2018)
      Technologies that enable active learning, and more specifically inquiry or experiential learning, are quickly entering the educational world. These technologies concern simulations or online labs, games, and modelling tools ...