• Article  

      First principles calculations of nucleon and pion form factors: Understanding the building blocks of nuclear matter from lattice QCD 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Bistrovic, B.; Edwards, R. G.; De Forcrand, P.; Fleming, G.; Hägler, P.; Negele, J. W.; Orginos, K.; Pochinsky, A.; Renner, D. B.; Richards, D. G.; Schroers, W.; Tsapalis, Antonios (2005)
      Lattice QCD is an essential complement to the current and anticipated DOE-supported experimental program in hadronic physics. In this paper we address several key questions central to our understanding of the building ...
    • Article  

      Precision study of excited state effects in nucleon matrix elements 

      Dinter, S.; Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha G.; Drach, V.; Jansen, K.; Renner, D. B. (2011)
      We present a dedicated analysis of the influence of excited states on the calculation of nucleon matrix elements. This calculation is performed at a fixed value of the lattice spacing, volume and pion mass that are typical ...
    • Article  

      A stochastic method for computing hadronic matrix elements 

      Alexandrou, Constantia; Constantinou, Martha; Dinter, S.; Drach, V.; Jansen, K.; Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos; Renner, D. B. (2014)
      We present a stochastic method for the calculation of baryon three-point functions that is more versatile than the typically used sequential method. We analyze the scaling of the error of the stochastically evaluated ...