Browsing by Author "Sagaster, Borte"
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
Achmed Talib : Stationen des Lebens eines türkischen Schuhmachermeisters in Deutschland von 1917 bis 1983 : Kaiserreich, Weimarer Republik, Drittes Reich, DDR
Sagaster, Borte; Talib, Achmed (Onel-Verlag, 1997)
Book Chapter
Adivar, Halide Edib
Sagaster, Borte (Metzler, 1998)Die Frage, welchen Weg die Türkei im 20. Jh. gehen und welche Rolle die türkische Frau dabei spielen solle, war das Hauptthema Halide Edib Adívars, der bedeutendsten Romanautorin der frühen türkischen Republikzeit. Die ...
Book Chapter
Agaoglu, Adalet
Sagaster, Borte (Metzler, 1998)Adalet Ağaoğlu gilt als eine der bedeutendsten türkischen Gegenwartsautorinnen. Wie Leyla Erbil, Sevgi Soysal, Nezihe Meriç, Selçuk ↗ Füruzan, Sevim Burak, Pinar Kür u. a. gehört A. zu einer Generation von Autorinnen, die ...
Ahmet Midhat'in spor muhabirligi
Sagaster, Borte
Book Chapter
Aliye: Muhazerat
Sagaster, Borte (Metzler, 2009)
Autobiographical Themes in Turkish Literature: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives
Akyildiz, Olcay; Halim, Kara; Sagaster, Borte (Ergon, 2007)
Book Chapter
Ayaslı, Munevver
Sagaster, Borte (2014)Münevver Ayaşlı (1906–99) was a conservative writer of essays, memoirs, and autobiographical novels, with Islamic mysticist and Turkist tendencies. Born in Thessaloniki, she lived as a child in various parts of the Ottoman ...
Book Chapter
Ayverdi, Samiha
Sagaster, Borte (2016)Samiha (Sāmiḥa) Ayverdi was a Turkish novelist, essayist, autobiographical writer, and literary scholar. In contrast to the laicist and populist outlook of the early Republican period, her works demonstrate a religious ...
Beobachtungen eines „Okzidentalisten“: Ahmed Midhat Efendis Wahrnehmung der Europaer anla?lich seiner Reise zum Orientalistenkongre? in Stockholm 1889
Sagaster, Borte (1997)
Book Chapter
Canon, Extra-Canon, Anti-Canon: On Literature as a Medium of Cultural Memory in Turkey
Sagaster, Borte (Harrassowitz, 2009)
Book Chapter
Celal Sahir (Erozan)
Sagaster, Borte (2016)Celal Sahir (Celāl Sāḥir) Erozan (29 Zilkade (Dhū l-Qaʿda) 1300–19 Şaban (Shaʿbān) 1354/1 October 1883–16 November 1935), a Turkish poet and editor, was born Istanbul. He was the youngest member of the Servet-i Fünun ...
Book Chapter
Cenap Sahabettin
Sagaster, Borte (2014)Cenap Şahabettin (Cenāb Şehāb al-Dīn, 1286–7/1871–1934) was a poet and writer of the Servet-i Fünun (Thervet-i Fünūn, lit., wealth of sciences) movement, a literary movement in Ottoman Turkish literature at the time of a ...
Book Chapter
Cheers to the new life!’ Five Turkish Serial Novels of the 1930s in the popular magazine Yedigün
Sagaster, Borte; Stavrides, Theoharis; Hoffmann, B. (Bamberg University Press, 2018)
Book Chapter
Cumalı, Necati
Sagaster, Borte (2014)Necati Cumalı (1921–2001) was a Turkish poet, playwright, and writer, whose family migrated to Turkey as part of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey following the Treaty of Lausanne (1923). He wrote mainly ...
Der Harem. (German)
Sagaster, Borte (1994)
Book Chapter
Detectives alaturka: Turkish detective novels after 1990
Sagaster, Borte (Harrassowitz, 2006)
Der Dichterfurst der modernen Turkei. Eine vorbildliche Naz?m-Hikmet-Anthologie in deutscher Sprache
Sagaster, Borte (2009)
Book Chapter
Elif Safak: Bitpalas
Sagaster, Borte (Metzler, 2009)
Book Chapter
Emin Nihad
Sagaster, Borte (2017)Emin Nihad (Emīn Nihād, d. after 1875) was the author of Müsameretname (Müsāmeretnāme, “Book of night entertainment”), a work of seven narratives in Ottoman Turkish published in twelve volumes between 1288/1872 and 1292/1875. ...
Book Chapter
Erinnerung im Zeichen von Schrecken und Versohnung: Magardic Margosyans Erinnerungsroman Tespih Taneleri
Sagaster, Borte (Scripvaz-Verlag, 2008)