• Article  

      Experimental exclusion of neutral resonances in Bhabha scattering at MeV energies 

      Tsertos, Haralambos; Kienle, P.; Judge, S. M.; Schreckenbach, K. (1991)
      Using an active-shadow technique and a monoenergetic e+ beam at the high-flux reactor of ILL, we pursued the search for long-lived (> 5 × 10-13 s) neutral resonances that could be formed in e+e- scattering around an invariant ...
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      High-sensitivity measurements of the excitation function for Bhabha scattering at MeV energies 

      Tsertos, Haralambos; Kozhuharov, C.; Armbruster, P.; Kienle, P.; Krusche, B.; Schreckenbach, K. (1989)
      Using a monochromatic e+ beam scattered on a Be foil and a high-resolution detector device, the excitation function for elastic e+e- scattering was measured with a statistical accuracy of 0.25% in 1.4-keV steps in the ...
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      New limits for resonant Bhabha scattering around the invariant mass of 1.8 MeV/c2 

      Tsertos, Haralambos; Kozhuharov, C.; Armbruster, P.; Kienle, P.; Krusche, B.; Schreckenbach, K. (1988)
      The excitation function for Bhabha scattering was reinvestigated in the energy range between 775 and 840 keV (c.m.) in 1.4 keV steps using a monoenergetic e+ -beam and a high-resolution kinematic coincidence detector device. ...
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      Search for long-lived neutral resonances in Bhabha scattering around 1.8 MeV/c2 

      Judge, S. M.; Krusche, B.; Schreckenbach, K.; Tsertos, Haralambos; Kienle, P. (1990)
      A search has been carried out for long-lived neutral particles which could be created in resonant e+e- scattering, with an invariant mass around 1.8 MeV/c2. A monoenergetic positron beam was scattered from a thin Be foil, ...
    • Article  

      Sensitive search for neutral resonances in Bhabha scattering around 1.8 MeV/c2 

      Tsertos, Haralambos; Kozhuharov, C.; Armbruster, P.; Kienle, P.; Krusche, B.; Schreckenbach, K. (1988)
      The excitation function for Bhabha scattering was measured in the energy range between 760 and 840 keV (CM) in 1.4 keV steps with beams of monochromatic positrons scattered on a Be foil at angles between 79° and 101° (CM). ...