Browsing by Author "Tsianos, Nikos"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
Conference Object
Adapting generic web structures with semantic web technologies: A cognitive approach
Belk, Marios; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2010)The research described in this paper focuses on adapting generic Hypermedia Environments with the use of Semantic Web technologies. The use of machine understandable semantics in Web applications is increasing significantly, ...
Book Chapter
An assessment of human factors in adaptive hypermedia environments
Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (IGI Global, 2008)The plethora of information and services as well as the complicated nature of most Web structures intensify the navigational difficulties that arise when users navigate their way through this large information space. ...
Capturing essential intrinsic user behaviour values for the design of comprehensive web-based personalized environments
Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2008)Advances in Web-based oriented technologies and services are taking place with a considerable speed around the world. As communications and IT usage become an integral part of many people's lives and the available products ...
Cognitive and emotional processes in web-based education: integrating human factors and personalization
Chen, Wen Yih; Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis (Information Science Reference, 2009)"This book presents theories and practical frameworks to assist educators and trainers in developing e-learning applications"--Provided by publisher.
Book Chapter
A dynamic user centric framework for enhancing eservices effectiveness aiming at mass customization
Belk, Marios; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (IGI Global, 2009)Mass customization should be more than just configuring a specific component (hardware or software), but should be seen as the co-design of an entire system, including services, experiences and human satisfaction at the ...
The effects of personality type in user-centered appraisal systems
Lekkas, Zacharias; Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2011)The basic objective of this paper is to make an extensive reference of a combination of concepts and techniques coming from different research areas, Psychology and Web personalization technologies, both of which focus ...
Conference Object
Embracing cognitive aspects in web personalization environments - The adaptiveweb architecture
Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Belk, Marios; Samaras, George S. (2007)This paper presents a Web adaptation and personalization architecture that uses cognitive aspects as its core filtering element. The innovation of the proposed architecture focuses upon the creation of a comprehensive user ...
Conference Object
Emotional web-based design: the concepts of emotional experience and emotional expression
Lekkas, Zacharias; Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2011)For many years people have been trying to measure differences between individuals. Over the course of time, a combination of developments in statistical know-how and the evolution of thought within psychology enabled the ...
Conference Object
Enhancing e-learning environments with users' cognitive factors: The case of EKPAIDEION
Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Belk, Marios; Christodoulou, Eleni; Spanoudis,George C.; Samaras, George S. (Academic Conferences Limited, 2008)We are now witnessing an extensive and gradually increasing use of the World Wide Web space, proved to be a quite favourable way of communication, due to its speed, simplicity and efficiency. Distance learning (or eLearning) ...
Conference Object
Evaluating the significance of cognitive and emotional parameters in e-learning adaptive environments
Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2007)This paper presents experimental evidence supporting the notion that users' individual information processing characteristics are significant in the context of e-learning environments. In the wider field of Adaptive ...
An experimental assessment of the use of cognitive and affective factors in adaptive educational hypermedia
Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2009)In order to assess the positive effect and validity of personalization on the basis of users' cognitive and emotional characteristics, this study presents three subsequent experiments. The first experiment explores the ...
Conference Object
Eye-tracking users' behavior in relation to Cognitive Style within an e-Learning environment
Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2009)Eye-tracking measurements may be used as a method of identifying users' actual behavior in a hypermedia setting. In this research, an eye-tracking experiment was conducted in order to validate the construct of cognitive ...
Implementing affect parameters in personalized web-based design
Lekkas, Zacharias; Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2009)Researchers used to believe that emotional processes are beyond the scope of a scientific study. Recent advances in cognitive science and artificial intelligence, however, suggest that there is nothing mystical about ...
Conference Object
Implementing psychological parameters in a web-based appraisal system
Lekkas, Zacharias; Tsianos, Nikos; Mourlas, Constantinos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Samaras, George S. (2010)For many years people have been trying to measure differences between individuals. Over the course of time, a combination of developments in statistical know-how and the evolution of thought within psychology enabled the ...
Book Chapter
Improving m-commerce services effectiveness with the use of user-centric content delivery
Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (IGI Global, 2008)Advances in wireless communications and information technology have made the Mobile Web a reality. The Mobile Web is the response to the need for anytime, anywhere access to information and services. Many wireless applications ...
Book Chapter
Incorporating human factors in the development of context-aware personalized applications: The next generation of intelligent user interfaces
Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (IGI Global, 2009)The notion of context in context-aware applications is not merely an issue of external situational circumstances or device/channel properties, but it could also refer to a wide array of user characteristics that have an ...
An individual differences approach in designing ontologies for efficient personalization
Tsianos, Nikos; Germanakos, Panagiotis; Belk, Marios; Lekkas, Zacharias; Samaras, George S.; Mourlas, Constantinos (2013)This article discusses the potential role of cognitive individual differences in the context of designing ontologies for personalization on users' characteristics. The theoretical framework of the proposed approach is ...
Conference Object
Intelligent authoring tools for enhancing mass customization of e-services: The smarTag framework
Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Belk, Marios; Samaras, George S. (2009)Mass customization should be more than just configuring a specific component (hardware or software), but should be seen as the co-design of an entire system, including services, experiences and human satisfaction at the ...
Conference Object
New fundamental profiling characteristics for designing adaptive web-based educational systems
Germanakos, Panagiotis; Tsianos, Nikos; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2005)There is a growing body of empirical evidence to suggest that users tend to make poor decisions in traditional educational systems as the navigational freedom given to the user leads to comprehension and orientation ...
Conference Object
An ontological cognitive user model for adapting generic web structures
Germanakos, Panagiotis; Belk, Marios; Tsianos, Nikos; Lekkas, Zacharias; Mourlas, Constantinos; Samaras, George S. (2010)Adaptation and Personalization systems can benefit with the incorporation of ontological knowledge, especially when it comes to modeling users. In this paper we present a cognitive approach to Web Personalization based on ...