Browsing by Subject "Argumentation"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Conference Object
Adaptive agent negotiation via argumentation
(2006)In this paper, we study how argumentation can be used as a basis for negotiation between autonomous agents, where negotiation strategies of the different parties are represented as argumentation theories within their ...
Conference Object
Argumentation and temporal persistence
(2011)We study how the problem of temporal projection can be formalized in terms of argumentation. In particular, we extend earlier work of translating the language E for Reasoning about Actions and Change into a Logic Programming ...
Argumentation and the event calculus
(2012)We study how the problem of temporal projection can be formalized in terms of argumentation. In particular, we extend earlier work of translating the language for ε Reasoning about Actions and Change into a Logic Programming ...
Conference Object
Argumentation Based Decision Making for Autonomous Agents
(2003)This paper presents an argumentation based framework to support the decision making of an agent within a modular architecture for agents. The proposed argumentation framework is dynamic, with arguments and their strength ...
Argumentation Logic
(2014)We propose a novel logic-based argumentation framework, called Argumentation Logic (AL), built upon a restriction of classical Propositional Logic (PL) as its underlying logic. This allows us to control the application of ...
Conference Object
Argumentative alternating offers
(International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS), 2010)This paper presents an argumentative version of the well known alternating offers negotiation protocol. The negotiation mechanism is based on an abstract preference based argumentation framework where both epistcmic and ...
Argumentative alternating offers
(2011)This paper presents an argumentative version of the well known alternating offers negotiation protocol. The negotiation mechanism is based on an abstract preference based argumentation framework where both epistemic and ...
Conflicts resolution with the SoDA methodology
(2017)This paper studies the application of argumentation theory and methods from Artificial Intelligence to the problem of conflict resolution. It shows how the decision theories of each of the parties involved in a conflict ...
Conference Object Open Access
Educating reason. From craft to technology
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)In designing, developing and evaluating educational software supporting reasoning, three aspects are important. The first is the cognitive domain of practice, relating to the nature of reasoning and the idea of support. ...
A general framework for argumentation-based negotiation
(2008)This paper proposes a unified and general framework for argumentation-based negotiation, in which the role of argumentation is formally analyzed. The framework makes it possible to study the outcomes of an argumentation-based ...
Modeling data access legislation with Gorgias
(2017)This paper uses argumentation as the basis for modeling and implementing the relevant legislation of an EU country relating to medical data access. Users can consult a web application for determining their allowed level ...
Modular representation of agent interaction rules through argumentation
(2005)Communication between agents needs to be flexible enough to encompass together a variety of different aspects such as, conformance to society protocols, private tactics of the individual agents, strategies that reflect ...
On Argumentation Logic and Propositional Logic
(2017)This paper studies the relationship between Argumentation Logic (AL), a recently defined logic based on the study of argumentation in AI, and classical Propositional Logic (PL). In particular, it shows that AL and PL are ...
On the computational complexity of assumption-based argumentation for default reasoning
(2002)Bondarenko et al. have recently proposed an abstract framework for default reasoning. Besides capturing most existing formalisms and proving that their standard semantics all coincide, the framework extends these formalisms ...
On the semantics of abstract argumentation
(2013)Arguments need to be judged against other arguments. The decision to accept or reject an argument is generally a global decision that involves examining the same question for other arguments that oppose or can defend the ...
Tactics and concessions for argumentation-based negotiation
(2012)Argumentation-based negotiation has gained increasing prominence in the multi-agent field over the last years. There is currently a long literature on the use of argumentation in negotiation and especially the modeling of ...
Conference Object Open Access
Talk factory: the use of graphical representations to support argumentation around an interactive whiteboard in primary school science
(University of Cyprus, 2010)In the classroom, children are often asked to work in groups and to discuss learning activities together. However, they can find this challenging as they do not always have the necessary discussion and argumentation skills ...
Conference Object
A unified and general framework for argumentation-based negotiation
(2007)This paper proposes a unified and general framework for argumentation-based negotiation, in which the role of argumentation is formally analyzed. The framework makes it possible to study the outcomes of an argumentation-based ...
Conference Object Open Access
The use of mind mapping software to improve primary school students’ ability to construct scientific arguments
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)The purpose of this study was to examine elementary school students’ ability to construct scientific arguments. We set out to analyze students’ arguments in aspects of structure and validity of claims, before and after ...
Conference Object Open Access
WebCT dialogues on particle theory of matter: presumptive reasoning in students’ argumentation
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)A way of scaffolding students to move back and forth between multiple meanings is the use of discussions that feature argumentation. Argumentation involves the evaluation of the worth, accuracy, and authenticity of various ...