• Article  

      Finite-term relations for planar orthogonal polynomials 

      Putinar, M.; Stylianopoulos, Nikos S. (2007)
      We prove by elementary means that, if the Bergman orthogonal polynomials of a bounded simply-connected planar domain, with sufficiently regular boundary, satisfy a finite-term relation, then the domain is algebraic and ...
    • Article  

      Orthogonal polynomials for area-type measures and image recovery 

      Saff, E. B.; Stahl, H.; Stylianopoulos, Nikos S.; Totik, V. (2015)
      Let G be a finite union of disjoint and bounded Jordan domains in the complex plane, let K be a compact subset of G, and consider the set G∗ obtained from G by removing K