Browsing by Subject "Chronic myeloid leukemia"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Cancer and pregnancy: What should we know about the management with systemic treatment of pregnant women with cancer?
(2011)The incidence of cancer during pregnancy is a rare phenomenon and is estimated to occur in 1:1000 pregnancies. This co-existence is likely to rise since the delay of childbearing to the later reproductive age is nowadays ...
Levels of absolute survival benefit for systemic therapies of advanced cancer: A call for standards
(2003)Research on systemic interventions in patients with advanced stage malignancies should be systematised with an emphasis on the absolute gain in survival for the median patient. Such information is most meaningful with ...
Treatment of the pregnant mother with cancer: A systematic review on the use of cytotoxic, endocrine, targeted agents and immunotherapy during pregnancy. Part II: Hematological tumors
(2010)Managing pregnant patients with hematological tumors pose even more conflicts compared to solid tumors. Unlike the majority of solid tumors, hematological malignancies are potentially curable; hence it is important to ...