Browsing by Subject "Codes (symbols)"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
ACLP: Flexible solutions to complex problems
(1997)In this paper we present a new system for non-monotonic reasoning performed using abduction. The system, called ACLP, is a programming language based on the framework of Abductive and Constraint Logic Programming (ACLP) ...
Conference Object
Applications of information Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)The objective of this paper is to further investigate various applications of information Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function (NRDF) by discussing two working examples, the Binary Symmetric Markov Source with parameter ...
Conference Object
Automatic code generation: A practical approach
(2008)This work contributes in bridging the gap between software design and implementation of component-based systems using software architectures at the modelling/design level and the coordination paradigm at the implementation ...
The d-identifying codes problem for vertex identification in graphs: Probabilistic analysis and an approximation algorithm
(2006)Given a graph G(V, E), the identifying codes problem is to find the smallest set of vertices D ⊆ V such that no two vertices in V are adjacent to the same set of vertices in D. The identifying codes problem has been applied ...
Decoding algorithm and architecture for BCH codes under the Lee metric
(2008)The Lee metric measures the circular distance between two elements in a cyclic group and is particularly appropriate as a measure of distance for data transmission under phase-shift-keying modulation over a white noise ...
Determination of the number of errors in DFT codes subject to low-level quantization noise
(2008)This paper analyzes the effects of quantization or other low-level noise on the error correcting capability of a popular class of real-number Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes known as discrete Fourier transform (DFT) ...
Fault-tolerant convolution via chinese remainder codes constructed from non-coprime moduli
(2008)This paper develops a framework for performing fault-tolerant convolution via error-correcting codes based on the chinese remainder theorem (CRT) with non-coprime moduli. In contrast to convolution that is protected through ...
Fault-tolerant dynamic systems
(2000)We use unreliable system replicas and unreliable voters to construct redundant dynamic systems that tolerate transient failures in their state transition and error correcting mechanisms. Using low density parity check ...
A General Formula for Compound Channel Capacity
(2016)A general formula, for the capacity of arbitrary compound channels with the receiver channel state information, is obtained using the information density approach. No assumptions of ergodicity, stationarity, or information ...
Conference Object
Identifying Developers' Expertise in Social Coding Platforms
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Social coding platforms provide a means for software developers to acquire hands-on development experience. Their source code contributions can be used to showcase their expertise and skills in specific areas of software ...
An implementation framework for Software Architectures based on the coordination paradigm
(2006)Software Architectures have evolved considerably over the last decade and, partly also due to the significant progress made in component-based development, have become a major subfield of Software Engineering. The associated ...
Information Transfer of Control Strategies: Dualities of Stochastic Optimal Control Theory and Feedback Capacity of Information Theory
(2017)The control-coding capacity of stochastic control systems is introduced, and its operational meaning is established using randomized control strategies, which simultaneously control output processes encode information, and ...
An insight into license tools for open source software systems
(2015)Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) has gained a lot of attention lately allowing organizations to incorporate third party source code into their implementations. When open source software libraries are used, software ...
Nash equilibria in discrete routing games with convex latency functions
(2008)In a discrete routing game, each of n selfish users employs a mixed strategy to ship her (unsplittable) traffic over m parallel links. The (expected) latency on a link is determined by an arbitrary non-decreasing, non-constant ...
Novel Matrix Singular Value Inequalities and Their Applications to Uncertain MIMO Channels
(2015)Novel matrix singular value inequalities are established for a sum/product of three matrices. Their application to the uncertain (compound) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel subject to normed additive uncertainty ...
Optimal merging algorithms for lossless codes with generalized criteria
(2014)This paper presents lossless prefix codes optimized with respect to a payoff criterion consisting of a convex combination of maximum codeword length and average codeword length. The optimal codeword lengths obtained are ...
Conference Object
Performance study of cosmological simulations on message-passing and shared-memory multiprocessors
(ACM, 1996)In this paper we describe PKDGRAV, a parallel hierarchical tree-structured code used to conduct cosmological simulations on shared-memory and message-passing multiprocessors. We explore performance traits of cosmological ...
Conference Object
TFlux: A portable platform for data-driven multithreading on commodity multicore systems
(2008)In this paper we present Thread Flux (TFlux), a complete system that supports the Data-Driven Multithreading (DDM) model of execution. TFlux virtualizes any details of the underlying system therefore offering the same ...