Browsing by Subject "Earthquakes"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Artificial neural networks for earthquake prediction using time series magnitude data or Seismic Electric Signals
(2011)The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of artificial neural networks in predicting earthquakes occurring in the region of Greece with the use of different types of input data. More specifically, two different ...
Discriminant Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds data related to a new location method of entrapped people in collapsed buildings of an earthquake
(2006)Discriminant Analysis is used as a part of a research, which aims at using expired air analysis for the early location of entrapped people under the ruins of collapsed buildings in an earthquake. This work focuses on the ...
Effect of the seismic excitation angle on the dynamic response of adjacent buildings during pounding
(2015)The excitation angle or angle of incidence is the angle in which the horizontal seismic components are applied with respect to the principal structural axes during a time history analysis. In this study, numerical simulations ...
Numerical verification of a dual system's seismic response
(2012)Structural control through integration of passive damping devices within the building structure has been increasingly implemented internationally in the last years and has proven to be a most promising strategy for earthquake ...
On poundings of a seismically isolated building with adjacent structures during strong earthquakes
(2010)This paper presents selected indicative results from an extensive parametric investigation that has been performed in order to assess the effects of potential earthquake-induced poundings on the overall dynamic response ...
Physiology and biochemistry of human subjects during entrapment
(2013)A classification of various categories of entrapped people under the ruins of collapsed buildings after earthquakes, technical failures or explosions is proposed. Type and degree of injury at the moment of building collapse ...
Preliminary investigation of using volatile organic compounds from human expired air, blood and urine for locating entrapped people in earthquakes
(2005)A preliminary investigation on the possibility of using volatile organic compounds (VOCs) determination of expired air, blood and urine, for the early location of entrapped people in earthquakes, has been carried out. A ...
Seismic Rehabilitation of Substandard R.C. Buildings with Masonry Infills
(2018)Seismic deformation demands are localized in areas of stiffness discontinuity, such as in the soft storys of frame structures, where disproportionate damage is often reported in post-earthquake reconnaissance. In many parts ...
Seismic reliability assessment of urban water networks
(2014)We present a framework for the seismic risk assessment of water supply networks, operating in either normal or abnormal conditions. We propose a methodology for assessing the reliability of water pipe networks combining ...
Simplified method for rapid seismic assessment of older R.C. buildings
(2018)After several years of progress in earthquake design procedures, existing reinforced concrete buildings that fall short of modern standards still represent the vast majority of the built environment. Poorly reinforced ...
Simulation of the earthquake-induced pounding of seismically isolated buildings
(2008)Seismic isolation can significantly reduce the induced seismic loads to a relatively stiff building by inserting flexibility at its base to avoid resonance with the predominant frequencies of common earthquakes. Sometimes ...
Two-dimensional numerical investigation of the effects of multiple sequential earthquake excitations on ancient multidrum columns
(2016)Ancient monuments of Greek and Roman classical architecture usually consist of multi-drum columns that are constructed of stone blocks placed on top of each other. Several research studies deal with the seismic behaviour ...