• Article  

      Delta-like and Gtl2 are reciprocally expressed differentially methylated linked imprinted genes on mouse chromosome 12 

      Takada, S.; Tevendale, M.; Baker, J.; Georgiades, Pantelis; Campbell, E.; Freeman, T.; Johnson, M. H.; Paulsen, M.; Ferguson-Smith, A. C. (2000)
      The distal portion of mouse chromosome 12 is imprinted. To date, however, Gtl2 is the only imprinted gene identified on chromosome 12. Gtl2 encodes multiple alternatively spliced transcripts with no apparent open reading ...
    • Article  

      Regulation of retinoid X receptor-γ gene transcript levels in rat heart cells 

      Georgiades, Pantelis; Brickell, P. M. (1998)
      Retinoid X receptor-γ (RXRγ) is a transcription factor that mediates retinoid signalling and is expressed in rat heart during adult life. However, its expression in embryonic and neonatal heart has not been investigated ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      A study on the role of SOX1 in the regulation of glial specification in the developing spinal cord of mice 

      Genethliou, Nicholas (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2009-04)
      Η μετάβαση από τη νευρογένεση στη γλοιογένεση στον αναπτυσσόμενο νωτιαίο μυελό, χρειάζεται τη συντονισμένη λειτουργία μεταξύ των παραγόντων δημιουργίας προτύπου, τους προ-γλοιακούς παράγοντες και του συστήματος μεταγωγής ...