Browsing by Subject "History"
Now showing items 1-20 of 80
Aeneas und Euander: mythische Vergangenheit und Politik im Rom vom 6. Jh. v. Chr. bis zur Zeit des Augustus
(Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2003)
Al-Kulliya As-Salahiya in Jerusalem: Arabismus, Osmanismus und Panislamismus im ersten Weltkrieg
(Franz Steiner, 1991)
Athletics in ancient Cyprus and the greek tradition: from 15th14th century B.C.-A.D. 330
(Hadjistephanou, Clea, 1991)
Book Chapter
Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Rome
(Brill, 2007)
Bullarium Cyprium: Lettres papales relatives a Chypre, 1316-1378
(Cyprus Research Centre, 2010)
Bullarium Cyprium: Papal letters concerning Cyprus 1196-1261
(Cyprus Research Centre, 2010)
Bullarium Cyprium: Papal letters concerning Cyprus 1261-1314
(Cyprus Research Centre, 2010)
Conference Object
The Bullarium Cyprium: The Ongoing Mission...
(Waxmann, 2015)
Book Chapter
Carmelite Quodlibeta
(Brill, 2007)
Conference Object
A control-oriented approach to water quality modeling of drinking water distribution systems
Court ceremonies and rituals of power in Byzantium and the medieval Mediterranean: comparative perspectives
(Brill, 2013)
Court ceremonies and rituals of power in Byzantium and the medieval Mediterranean: comparative perspectives
(Brill, 2013)
Cyprus and the politics of memory: history, community and conflict
(I. B. Tauris, 2012)
Book Chapter
Diplomatics and Historiography: The Use of Documents in the Chronicle of Leontios Makhairas
(Brill, 2008)
Book Chapter
Eastern Mediterranean diplomatics: the present state of research
(Brill, 2008)
Eastern Mediterranean metallurgy and metalwork in the second millennium BC: a conference in honour of James D. Muhly, Nicosia, 10th-11th October 2009
(Oxbow Books, 2012)
La educación de la memoria en la formación del ciudadano: el caso del curriculum greco-chipriota
(2010)I don't forget and I struggle is a phrase that decorates all Greek Cypriot classrooms. Since 1974 the phrase has become the symbol of an educational system that has fostered the collective memory of new generations of Greek ...
Festschrift in honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides
(The Isis Press, 2014)
Formerly mixed villages in Cyprus: representations of the past, present and future.UNDP-ACT
(AHDR, 2011)