• Article  

      A comprehensive context modeling framework for pervasive computing systems 

      Reichle, R.; Wagner, M.; Khan, M. U.; Geihs, K.; Lorenzo, J.; Valla, M.; Fra, C.; Paspallis, Nearchos; Papadopoulos, George Angelos (2008)
      Context management in pervasive computing environments must reflect the specific characteristics of these environments, e.g. distribution, mobility, resource-constrained devices, or heterogeneity of context sources. Although ...
    • Conference Object  

      Ranking and performance exploration of Grid infrastructures: An interactive approach 

      Tsouloupas, George; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2006)
      In the ever-growing Grid infrastructures picking the right resources is not an easy task. There are situations were finding enough idle CPU's that satisfy a set of minimum nominal hardware requirements is simply not enough. ...