Browsing by Subject "Information analysis"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Conference Object
Affect recognition during active game playing based on posture skeleton data
(2013)The affective state of a player during game playing has a significant effect on the player's motivation and engagement. Recognising player's emotions during games can help game designers improve the user experience by ...
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Argumentation Based Decision Making for Autonomous Agents
(2003)This paper presents an argumentation based framework to support the decision making of an agent within a modular architecture for agents. The proposed argumentation framework is dynamic, with arguments and their strength ...
Argumentation based modelling of embedded agent dialogues
(2006)This paper presents a novel approach to modelling embedded agent dialogues. It proposes a specific structure for the supporting information accompanying the arguments that agents exchange during a dialogue, it defines ...
The Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting and Observing System
(2003)The countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea have joined together in several multi-national initiatives to conduct long-term, integrated, operational oceanographic observations and modelling of this important region. A ...
A distributed middleware infrastructure for personalized services
(2004)In this paper, we present an overview of extensible Retrieval, Annotation and Caching Engine (eRACE), a modular and distributed intermediary infrastructure that collects information from heterogeneous Internet sources ...
Fatigue life prediction for a vessel sailing the North Atlantic route
(2007)A method for calculating the wave load induced fatigue damage accumulated by a vessel sailing along the North Atlantic route (NAr) is presented. This method is based on the Palmgren-Miner additive rule and the rainflow ...
Conference Object
How valuable are shopbots?
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2002)The price information that shopbots provide to buyers is clearly valuable, as it enables them to make a better informed choice of product and vendor. We quantify the value of this price information to the buyer in terms ...
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Information quality evaluation for grid information services
(Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, 2007)The quality of the information provided by information services deployed in the EGEE production testbed differs from one system to another. Under the same conditions, the answers provided for the same query by different ...
Monitoring disruptions in financial markets
(2006)We study historical and sequential CUSUM change-point tests for strongly dependent nonlinear processes. These tests are used to monitor the conditional variance of asset returns and to provide real-time information regarding ...
A network game with attackers and a defender
(2008)Consider an information network with threats called attackers
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Personalized portals for the wireless user based on mobile agents
(2002)Wireless users rarely (if ever) benefit from Internet information services thus requiring new type of services and new ways for structuring the needed content. Personalization appears to be the most appropriate solution ...
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A simple roadway control system for freeway traffic
(2006)In this paper, a roadway control system that regulates variable speed limits along the freeway in addition to ramp metering is proposed to counteract traffic congestion and improve freeway efficiency. It treats the speed ...
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Towards a universal client for grid monitoring systems: Design and implementation of the ovid browser
(2006)In this paper, we present the design and implementation of Ovid, a browser for Grid-related information. The key goal of Ovid is to support the seamless navigation of users in the Grid information space. Key aspects of ...