• Article  

      An ActOn-based semantic information service for Grids 

      Xing, Wei; Corcho, O.; Goble, C.; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2010)
      We describe a semantic information service that aggregates metadata from a large number of information sources of a large-scale Grid infrastructure. It uses an ontology-based information integration architecture (ActOn) ...
    • Article  

      Export information sources: The role of organizational and internationalization influences 

      Leonidou, Leonidas C.; Katsikeas, Constantine S. (1997)
      In drawing attention to certain important gaps in the exporting literature, this study empirically investigates the information source behaviour of exporting firms in the context of a small country – Cyprus. The research ...
    • Conference Object  

      FailRank: Towards a unified GRID failure monitoring and ranking system 

      Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Neocleous, Kyriacos; Georgiou, Chryssis; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2008)
      The objective of Grid computing is to make processing power as accessible and easy to use as electricity and water. The last decade has seen an unprecedented growth in Grid infrastructures which nowadays enables large-scale ...
    • Article  

      Metadata ranking and pruning for failure detection in grids 

      Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D.; Papadakis, Charis; Georgiou, Chryssis; Dikaiakos, Marios D. (2008)
      The objective of Grid computing is to make processing power as accessible and easy to use as electricity and water. The last decade has seen an unprecedented growth in Grid infrastructures which nowadays enables large-scale ...