• Article  

      Analysis of expired air of fasting male monks at Mount Athos 

      Statheropoulos, Miltiades K.; Agapiou, Agapios; Georgiadou, A. (2006)
      Expired air chemical analysis is investigated as a search and locate method for the early detection of entrapped people under the ruins of collapsed buildings after an earthquake. Fasting individuals were examined as a ...
    • Article  

      Application of ion mobility spectrometry for the detection of human urine 

      Rudnicka, J.; Mochalski, Paweł; Agapiou, Agapios; Statheropoulos, Miltiades K.; Amann, Anton; Buszewski, B. (2010)
      The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) for the detection of human urine as an indication of human presence during urban search and rescue operations in collapsed ...
    • Article  

      Chaotropic salts interacting with soft matter: Beyond the lyotropic series 

      Leontidis, Epameinondas (2016)
      The effects of the chaotropic ions of the Hofmeister series on many systems and phenomena are typically quite pronounced. What happens, however, when one uses chaotropic ions beyond SCN−, ClO4 −, or guanidinium, which are ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      Computational study of ionic effects on the conformational stability and the helix/coil equilibrium of model oligopeptides 

      Ioannou, Filippos D. (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Σχολή Θετικών και Εφαρμοσμένων Επιστημών / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2013-01)
      Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή είναι μια υπολογιστική μελέτη της επίδρασης των αλάτων στη στερεοδιαταξική σταθερότητα και την ισορροπία έλικας/τυχαίου σπειρώματος ολιγοπεπτιδίων, με στόχο τη διαφώτιση του μηχανισμού της ...
    • Article  

      Dijet production by double Pomeron exchange at the Fermilab Tevatron 

      Affolder, T.; Akimoto, H.; Akopian, A.; Albrow, M. G.; Amaral, P.; Amendolia, S. R.; Amidei, D.; Anikeev, K.; Antos, J.; Apollinari, G.; Arisawa, T.; Asakawa, T.; Ashmanskas, W.; Atac, M.; Azfar, F.; Azzi-Bacchetta, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bailey, M. W.; Bailey, S.; de Barbaro, P.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Barone, M.; Bauer, G.; Bedeschi, F.; Belforte, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Bensinger, J.; Beretvas, Andrew; Berge, J. P.; Berryhill, J.; Bevensee, B.; Bhatti, A.; Binkley, M.; Bisello, D.; Blair, R. E.; Blocker, C.; Bloom, K.; Blumenfeld, B.; Blusk, S. R.; Bocci, A.; Borras, K.; Bodek, A.; Bokhari, W.; Bolla, G.; Bonushkin, Yu Ye; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Brandl, A.; van den Brink, S.; Bromberg, C.; Brozovic, M.; Bruner, N.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Byon-Wagner, A.; Byrum, K. L.; Calafiura, P.; Campbell, M.; Carithers, W.; Carlson, J.; Carlsmith, D.; Cassada, J.; Castro, A.; Cauz, D.; Cerri, A.; Chan, A. W.; Chang, P. S.; Chang, P. T.; Chapman, J.; Chen, C.; Chen, Y. C.; Cheng, M. -T; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chirikov-Zorin, I.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Christofek, L.; Chu, M. L.; Ciobanu, C. I.; Clark, A. G.; Connolly, A.; Convery, M.; Conway, J.; Cooper, J. M.; Cordelli, M.; Cranshaw, J.; Cronin-Hennessy, D.; Cropp, R.; Culbertson, R.; Dagenhart, D.; de Jongh, F.; Dell'Agnello, Simone; dell'Orso, M.; Demina, R.; Demortier, L.; Deninno, M.; Derwent, P. F.; Devlin, T.; Dittmann, J. R.; Donati, S.; Done, J.; Dorigo, T.; Eddy, N.; Einsweiler, K.; Elias, John E.; Engels Jr., E.; Erdmann, W.; Errede, D.; Errede, S.; Fan, Q.; Feild, R. G.; Ferretti, C.; Field, R. D.; Fiori, I.; Flaugher, B.; Foster, G. W.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J.; Friedman, J.; Fukui, Y.; Galeotti, S.; Gallinaro, M.; Gao, T.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Gatti, P.; Gay, C.; Geer, S.; Gerdes, D. W.; Giannetti, P.; Glagolev, V.; Gold, M.; Goldstein, J.; Gordon, A.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gotra, Y.; Goulianos, Konstantin; Green, C.; Groer, L.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Guenther, M.; Guillian, G.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Guo, R. S.; Haas, R. M.; Haber, C.; Hafen, E.; Hahn, S. R.; Hall, C.; Handa, T.; Handler, R.; Hao, W.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hardman, A. D.; Harris, R. M.; Hartmann, F.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hauser, J.; Heinrich, J.; Heiss, A.; Herndon, M.; Hinrichsen, B.; Hoffman, K. D.; Holck, C.; Hollebeek, R.; Holloway, L.; Hughes, R.; Huston, J.; Huth, J.; Ikeda, H.; Incandela, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iwai, J.; Iwata, Y.; James, E.; Jensen, H.; Jones, M.; Joshi, U.; Kambara, H.; Kamon, T.; Kaneko, T.; Karr, K.; Kasha, H.; Kato, Y.; Keaffaber, T. A.; Kelley, K.; Kelly, M.; Kennedy, R. D.; Kephart, R.; Khazins, D.; Kikuchi, T.; Kilminster, B.; Kirby, M.; Kirk, M.; Kim, B. J.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kirsch, L.; Klimenko, S.; Koehn, P.; Köngeter, A.; Kondo, K.; Konigsberg, J.; Kordas, K.; Korn, A.; Korytov, A.; Kovács, Eve V.; Kroll, J.; Kruse, M.; Kuhlmann, S. E.; Kurino, K.; Kuwabara, T.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lai, N.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lamoureux, J. I.; Lancaster, M.; Latino, G.; le Compte, T.; Lee, A. M.; Lee, K.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Lindgren, M.; Liss, T. M.; Liu, J. B.; Liu, Y. C.; Lockyer, N.; Loken, J.; Loreti, M.; Lucchesi, D.; Lukens, P.; Lusin, S.; Lyons, L.; Lys, J.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maksimovic, P.; Malferrari, L.; Mangano, M.; Mariotti, M.; Martignon, G.; Martin, A.; Matthews, J. A. J.; Mayer, J.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McIntyre, P.; McKigney, E.; Melese, P.; Menguzzato, M.; Menzione, A.; Mesropian, C.; Miao, T.; Miller, R.; Miller, J. S.; Minato, H.; Miscetti, S.; Mishina, M.; Mitselmakher, G.; Moggi, N.; Moore, C.; Moore, E.; Moore, R.; Morita, Y.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, T.; Munar, A.; Murat, P.; Murgia, S.; Musy, M.; Nachtman, J.; Nahn, S.; Nakada, H.; Nakaya, T.; Nakano, I.; Nelson, C.; Neuberger, D.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Ngan, C. -Y P.; Nicolaidi, P.; Niu, H.; Nodulman, L.; Nomerotski, A.; Oh, S. H.; Ohmoto, T.; Ohsugi, T.; Oishi, R.; Okusawa, T.; Olsen, J.; Orejudos, W.; Pagliarone, C.; Palmonari, F.; Paoletti, R.; Papadimitriou, Vaia; Pappas, S. P.; Partos, D.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pescara, L.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Pitts, K. T.; Plunkett, R.; Pompos, A.; Pondrom, L.; Pope, G.; Popovic, M.; Prokoshin, F.; Proudfoot, J.; Ptohos, Fotios; Pukhov, O.; Punzi, G.; Ragan, K.; Rakitine, A.; Reher, D.; Reichold, A.; Riegler, W.; Ribon, A.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Robertson, W. J.; Robinson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rolli, S.; Rosenson, L.; Roser, R.; Rossin, R.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Saltzberg, D.; Sansoni, A.; Santi, L.; Sato, H.; Savard, P.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schmidt, M. P.; Schmitt, M.; Scodellaro, L.; Scott, A.; Scribano, A.; Segler, S.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Semeria, F.; Shah, T.; Shapiro, M. D.; Shepard, P. F.; Shibayama, T.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Siegrist, J.; Signorelli, G.; Sill, A.; Sinervo, P.; Singh, P.; Slaughter, A. J.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, C.; Snider, F. D.; Solodsky, A.; Spalding, J.; Speer, T.; Sphicas, Paris A.; Spinella, F.; Spiropulu, Maria; Spiegel, L.; Steele, J.; Stefanini, A.; Strologas, John; Strumia, F.; Stuart, D.; Sumorok, K.; Suzuki, T.; Takano, T.; Takashima, R.; Takikawa, K.; Tamburello, P.; Tanaka, M.; Tannenbaum, B.; Taylor, W.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Terashi, K.; Tether, S.; Theriot, D.; Thurman-Keup, R.; Tipton, P.; Tkaczyk, S.; Tollefson, K.; Tollestrup, A.; Toyoda, H.; Trischuk, W.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Tseng, J.; Turini, N.; Ukegawa, F.; Vaiciulis, T.; Valls, J.; Vejcik III, S.; Velev, G.; Vidal, R.; Vilar, R.; Volobouev, I.; Vucinic, D.; Wagner, R. G.; Wagner, R. L.; Wahl, J.; Wallace, N. B.; Walsh, A. M.; Wang, C.; Wang, C. H.; Wang, M. J.; Watanabe, T.; Waters, D.; Watts, T.; Webb, R.; Wenzel, H.; Wester III, W. C.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Winn, D.; Wolbers, S.; Wolinski, D.; Wolinski, J.; Wolinski, S.; Worm, S.; Wu, X.; Wyss, J.; Yagil, A.; Yao, W.; Yeh, G. P.; Yeh, P.; Yoh, J.; Yosef, C.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, I.; Yu, S.; Yu, Z.; Zanetti, A.; Zetti, F.; Zucchelli, S. (2000)
      Dijet production by double Pomeron exchange (DPE) in p̄p collisions at √ s = 1800 GeV was performed. Factorization was tested by comparing the diffractive structure function measured in single diffractive (SD) with that ...
    • Article  

      Effects of monovalent anions of the Hofmeister series on DPPC lipid bilayers part I: Swelling and in-plane equations of state 

      Aroti, Andria; Leontidis, Epameinondas; Dubois, M.; Zemby, T. (2007)
      Aiming to improve understanding of the mechanisms behind specific anion effects in biological systems we have studied the effects of sodium salts of simple monovalent anions belonging to the Hofmeister series on the bilayers ...
    • Article  

      Effects of monovalent anions of the Hofmeister series on DPPC lipid bilayers part II: Modeling the perpendicular and lateral equation-of-state 

      Leontidis, Epameinondas; Aroti, Andria; Belloni, L.; Dubois, M.; Zemby, T. (2007)
      The effects of Hofmeister anions on the perpendicular and lateral equation-of-state (EOS) of the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine lamellar phase discussed in the companion article are here examined using appropriate free ...
    • Article  

      Effects of sodium salts of lyotropic anions on low-temperature, ordered lipid monolayers 

      Christoforou, Maria; Leontidis, Epameinondas; Brezesinski, G. (2012)
      Electrolytes are known to impart considerable disorder to lipid assemblies, including monolayers at the air-water interface, bilayers, and vesicles. In the present work, we have investigated the disordering effect of sodium ...
    • Article  

      Inducing single-molecule magnetism in a family of loop-of-loops aggregates: Heterometallic Mn40Na4 clusters and the homometallic Mn44 analogue 

      Moushi, Eleni E.; Lampropoulos, Christos; Wernsdorfer, W.; Nastopoulos, Vassilios; Christou, George; Tasiopoulos, Anastasios J. (2010)
      The syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of a new family of heterometallic Mn40Na4 and homometallic Mn44 loop-of-loops aggregates are reported. The reactions of [Mn3O(O 2CMe)6(py)3]•py with 1,3-propanediol ...
    • Conference Object  

      Initial assessment of the thermoelectric properties for the mixed system K2-xRbxBi8Se13 

      Ireland, J. R.; Kyratsi, Theodora; Kanatzidis, M. G.; Kannewurf, C. R. (Affiliation: Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3118, United StatesCorrespondence Address: Ireland, J.R.Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3118, United States, 2002)
      In previous studies we have investigated the thermoelectric properties of undoped and doped compositions of β-K2Bi8Se13. The attempt to substitute Rb for K resulted in a different structure type, but with potentially useful ...
    • Article  

      Investigations of the Hofmeister series and other specific ion effects using lipid model systems 

      Leontidis, Epameinondas (2017)
      From the ion point-of-view specific ion effects (SIE) arise as an interplay of ionic size and shape and charge distribution. However in aqueous systems SIE invariably involve water, and at surfaces they involve both ...
    • Article  

      A microporous Co2+ metal organic framework with single-crystal to single-crystal transformation properties and high CO2 uptake 

      Moushi, Eleni E.; Kourtellaris, Andreas; Spanopoulos, Ioannis; Manos, Manolis J.; Papaefstathìou, Giannis S.; Trikalitis, Pantelis N.; Tasiopoulos, Anastasios J. (2015)
      The synthesis and characterization of {[Co9(INA)18(H2O)6]·11DMF·15H2O}∞ (Co9-INA·11DMF·15H2O) (INA- = the anion of isonicotinic acid) is reported. It exhibits a rigid 3D-porous structure with a Co9 repeating unit consisting ...
    • Article  

      Nanoscopic cationic methacrylate star homopolymers: Synthesis by group transfer polymerization, characterization and evaluation as transfection reagents 

      Georgiou, Theoni K.; Vamvakaki, Maria; Patrickios, Costas S.; Yamasaki, E. N.; Phylactou, Leonidas A. (2004)
      Seven star polymers with degrees of polymerization (DPs) of the arms from 10 to 100 and dimensions in the nanometer range were prepared using sequential group transfer polymerization of 2-(dimethylamino)-ethyl methacrylate ...
    • Article  

      Phase behavior of random and ABC triblock methacrylic polyampholytes with poly(vinyl alcohol) in water: effect of pH and salt 

      Patrickios, Costas S.; Hertler, Walter R.; Hatton, T. Alan (1995)
      ABC triblock and random methacrylic polyampholytes of molecular weight 4,000 g mol-1 with various base-neutral-acid compositions were examined for their phase separation behavior, each in an aqueous mixture with poly(vinyl ...
    • Article  

      Preparation and characterization of a cerium(IV)-incorporated manganese oxide OMS-2. Effect of cerium(IV) template on octahedral molecular sieves of manganese oxide and characterization of manganese oxide molecular sieves with cerium(IV) as dopant 

      Hapeshi, Evroula; Theocharis, Charis R. (2008)
      The manganese oxide material K-OMS-2 was synthesized both via a redox reaction between potassium permanganate and manganese nitrate in an acidic medium (nitric acid) under reflux conditions and by the sol-gel reaction ...
    • Article  

      Quantitative description and local structures of trivalent metal ions Eu(III) and Cm(III) complexed with polyacrylic acid 

      Montavon, G.; Bouby, M.; Huclier-Markai, S.; Grambow, B.; Geckeis, H.; Rabung, T.; Pashalidis, Ioannis; Amekraz, B.; Moulin, C. (2008)
      The trivalent metal ion (M(III) = Cm, Eu)/polyacrylic acid (PAA) system was studied in the pH range between 3 and 5.5 for a molar PAA-to-metal ratio above 1. The interaction was studied for a wide range of PAA (0.05 mg ...
    • Article  

      Reaction of tetracyanoethylene with SCl1 

      Koutentis, Panayiotis Andreas; Rces, C. W. (2000)
      The chloride ion catalysed addition of SCl2 to TCNE gives the 4-dicyanomethylene-l,2,6-thiadiazine 2 (60%) with two minor products (5%) of extensive molecular rearrangement, the pyrimidine 4 and the pyrroloimidazothiadiazine ...
    • Article  

      Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and aqueous solution characterization of p-hydroquinone and phenol iminodiacetate copper(ii) complexes 

      Stylianou, M.; Drouza, C.; Viskadourakis, Z.; Giapintzakis, John; Keramidas, A. D. (2008)
      The reaction of Cu2+ acetate monohydrate with 2-[N,N′-bis(carboxymethyl)aminomethyl]-4-carboxyphenol (H 4cacp), 2-[N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)aminomethyl]hydroquinone (H 4cah) and the dinucleating 2,5-bis[N,N-bis(carboxymethy ...
    • Article  

      Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties and aqueous solution characterization of p-hydroquinone and phenol iminodiacetate copper(ii) complexes 

      Stylianou, Marios; Drouza, Chryssoula; Viskadourakis, Zacharias A.; Giapintzakis, Ioannis; Keramidas, Anastasios D. (2008)
      The reaction of Cu2+ acetate monohydrate with 2-[N,N′-bis(carboxymethyl)aminomethyl]-4-carboxyphenol (H 4cacp), 2-[N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)aminomethyl]hydroquinone (H 4cah) and the dinucleating 2,5-bis[N,N-bis(carboxymethy ...
    • Article  

      Thermal conductivity of Ni, Co, and Fe-doped La5Ca 9Cu24O41 thin films measured by the 3ω method 

      Athanasopoulos, G. I.; Svoukis, E.; Pervolaraki, M.; Saint-Martin, R.; Revcolevschi, A.; Giapintzakis, John (2010)
      The effect of Ni-, Co- and Fe-substitution for Cu on the thermal conductivity of La5Ca9Cu24O41 thin films is investigated. Highly b-axis oriented polycrystalline films were grown onto MgO (100) substrates using the pulsed ...