• Article  Open Access

      Echoes and Sοunds οf ΚarΙ Jasper's "Limit Situation" 

      Papastephanou, Marianna (2023)
      Karl Jaspers' notion of a "limit situation'' (Grenzsituation) refers to an occurrence in life that existentially displaces, disorients and discomforts subjects by shattering their assumptions of control and certainty. Limit ...
    • Article  

      Education, risk and ethics 

      Papastephanou, Marianna (Routledge, 2006)
      While the notion of risk remains under-theorised in moral philosophy, risk aversion and moralist self-protection appear as dominant cultural tendencies saturating educational orientation and practice. Philosophy of education ...
    • Article  

      Hesiod the cosmopolitan: utopian and dystopian discourse and ethico-political education 

      Papastephanou, Marianna (Routledge, 2008)
      The modern tendency to treat all Greek Golden Age textuality as apolitical and escapist has contributed to the ongoing neglect of the first Western educational text, Hesiod's Works and days. Most commentators have missed ...
    • Article  

      Regulating Shipbreaking as a Global Activity: Issues of Fragmentation and Injustice 

      Hadjiyianni, Ioanna; Kloni, Anna (Oxford University Press, 2021-01-11)
      Shipbreaking, the process of dismantling ships at the end of their operational life, is inherently a complex global activity, as ships are routinely sent to developing countries, primarily in South Asia, and scrapped under ...