Browsing by Subject "Learning systems"
Now showing items 1-20 of 35
Conference Object
Abduction and induction for learning models of inhibition in metabolic networks
(2005)This paper describes the use of a mixture of abduction and induction for the temporal modelling of the effects of toxins in metabolic networks. Background knowledge is used which describes network topology and functional ...
Abductive concept learning
(2000)We investigate how abduction and induction can be integrated into a common learning framework. In particular, we consider an extension of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) for the case in which both the background and the ...
Analysis of neuromuscular disorders using statistical and entropy metrics on surface EMG
(2008)This paper introduces the surface electromyogram (EMG) classification system based on statistical and entropy metrics. The system is intended for diagnostic use and enables classification of examined subject as normal, ...
Conference Object
Artificial neural networks in estimating marine propeller cavitation
(2002)Cavitation in marine propellers can be a serious problem that may result in severe deterioration in performance. This is particularly important in heavily loaded propellers, commonly encountered in small craft. Efforts ...
Conference Object
Automated tagging for the retrieval of software resources in grid and cloud infrastructures
(2012)A key challenge for Grid and Cloud infrastructures is to make their services easily accessible and attractive to end-users. In this paper we introduce tagging capabilities to the Miner soft system, a powerful tool for ...
Capturing essential intrinsic user behaviour values for the design of comprehensive web-based personalized environments
(2008)Advances in Web-based oriented technologies and services are taking place with a considerable speed around the world. As communications and IT usage become an integral part of many people's lives and the available products ...
Classification capacity of a modular neural network implementing neurally inspired architecture and training rules
(2004)A three-layer neural network (NN) with novel adaptive architecture has been developed. The hidden layer of the network consists of slabs of single neuron models, where neurons within a slab-but not between slabs- have the ...
Classification of atherosclerotic carotid plaques using morphological analysis on ultrasound images
(2009)The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of multilevel binary and gray scale morphological analysis in the assessment of atherosclerotic carotid plaques. Ultrasound images were recorded from 137 asymptomatic ...
Conference Object
Clustering subjects in genetic studies with self organizing maps
(2012)Several machine learning techniques have been applied for finding multi-loci associations among Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and a disease. In this paper it is investigated whether Self Organizing Maps (SOMs) can ...
A comparative study on filtering protein secondary structure prediction
(2012)Filtering of Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (PSSP) aims to provide physicochemically realistic results, while it usually improves the predictive performance. We performed a comparative study on this challenging ...
Digitization of cypriot folk dances
(2012)In this article an initiative to preserve the Cypriot folk dance heritage is reported. The project aims to create a publicly accessible digital archive of folk dances that does not only include video recordings, commonly ...
Dynamical neural networks that ensure exponential identification error convergence
(1997)Classical adaptive and robust adaptive schemes, are unable to ensure convergence of the identification error to zero, in the case of modeling errors. Therefore, the usage of such schemes to 'black-box' identification of ...
Conference Object
Effects of stress on fricatives: Evidence from Standard Modern Greek
(International Speech and Communication Association, 2016)This study investigates the effects of stress on the spectral properties of fricative noise in Standard Modern Greek (SMG). Twenty female speakers of SMG participated in the study. Fricatives were produced in stressed and ...
The evaluation of the Cultural Journeys in the Information Society environment as an educational aid
(2005)The Cultural Journeys in the Information Society is a dynamic hypermedia environment, which proposes the Electronic Roads as a meta-form for exploring cultural information that can form Cultural Journeys. The Electronic ...
Exploring user experience while playing educational games: Focus on temporality and attractiveness
(2012)The concept and methods of user experience (UX) are gaining momentum in the game industry. Designers and educational practitioners aim to provide rich and effective user experience through serious educational games. ...
First Trimester Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis: A Computational Intelligence Approach
(2016)The objective of this study is to examine the potential value of using machine learning techniques such as artificial neural network (ANN) schemes for the noninvasive estimation, at 11-13 weeks of gestation, the risk for ...
Conference Object
Hybrid neural network electromyographic system: Incorporating the WISARD net
(IEEE, 1994)Clinical electromyography (EMG) provides useful information for the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. The utility of artificial neural networks trained with the backpropagation, the Kohonen's self-organizing feature ...
Integration of theory, ICT tooling and practical wisdom of teacher: A case of adaptive learning
(2014)Teachers adapt their lessons with or without the use of technology - but in a traditional class setting they target the imaginary "average student". This paper discusses how the teacher's "wisdom of practice" can intervene ...
Conference Object
Intelligent driver assist system for urban driving
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Driving in an urban environment is hectic and often adventurous. Getting accurate routing instructions, finding parking spots, receiving customized information that helps individual drivers reach their destination will ...