• Article  

      Fabrication, characterization and applications of novel nanoheater structures 

      Gu, Z.; Cui, Q.; Chen, J.; Buckley, J.; Ando, T.; Erdeniz, D.; Wong, P.; Hadjiafxenti, A.; Epaminonda, P.; Gunduz, I. E.; Rebholz, Claus; Doumanidis, C. C. (2013)
      Nanoheaters are reactive nanostructures that can generate localized heat through controlled ignition. Besides the widely used nanofoil structure with multiple alternative Al-Ni layers, various new nanostructures have been ...
    • Doctoral Thesis  Open Access

      High-performance, low-power integrated reference circuits and reference circuits for space applications 

      Andreou, Charalambos M. (Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, 2015-05)
      Στο πραγματικό κόσμο, η φύση όπως και η αντίληψη αλλά και η νόηση είναι κατεξοχήν αναλογικές διαδικασίες. Για να υπάρξει δυνατότητα αλλιλεπίδρασης μεταξύ του πραγματικού και του ψηφιακού κόσμου, είναι απαραίτητο οι ...
    • Article  

      Synthesis and physical properties of arc melted NiMnSb 

      Gardelis, S.; Androulakis, J.; Migiakis, P.; Giapintzakis, John; Clowes, S. K.; Bugoslavsky, Y.; Branford, W. R.; Miyoshi, Y.; Cohen, L. F. (2004)
      The synthesis and physical properties of arc melted NiMnSb were studied using X-ray diffraction analysis. It was observed that the half metallicity in NiMnSb is supported by the integer saturation magnetization value at 5 ...