• Article  

      The global spread of HIV-1 subtype B epidemic 

      Magiorkinis, Gkikas; Angelis, K.; Mamais, I.; Katzourakis, A.; Hatzakis, A.; Albert, J.; Lawyer, G.; Hamouda, O.; Struck, D.; Vercauteren, J.; Wensing, A.; Alexiev, I.; Åsjö, B.; Balotta, C.; Gomez, P.; Camacho, R. J.; Coughlan, S.; Griskevicius, A.; Grossman, Z.; Horban, A.; Kostrikis, L. G.; Lepej, S. J.; Liitsola, K.; Linka, M.; Nielsen, C.; Otelea, D.; Paredes, R.; Pollack, S. M.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Schmit, J. C.; Sonnerborg, A.; Staneková, D.; Stanojevic, M.; Stylianou, D. C.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.; Vasylyeva, T. I.; Friedman, Samuel R.; Vijver, D. van de; Angarano, G.; Chaix, M. L.; Luca, A. de; Korn, K.; Loveday, C.; Soriano, V.; Yerly, S.; Zazzi, M.; Vandamme, A. M.; Paraskeva, D. (2016)
      Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was discovered in the early 1980s when the virus had already established a pandemic. For at least three decades the epidemic in the Western World has been dominated by subtype B ...
    • Article  

      The global spread of HIV-1 subtype B epidemic 

      Magiorkinis, Gkikas; Angelis, Konstantinos; Mamais, Ioannis A.; Katzourakis, A.; Hatzakis, Angelos E.; Albert, Jan; Lawyer, G.; Hamouda, O.; Struck, D.; Vercauteren, J.; Wensing, A.; Alexiev, Ivailo; Åsjö, Birgitta; Balotta, Claudia; Gomes, P.; Camacho, Ricardo J.; Coughlan, S.; Griskevicius, A.; Grossman, Z.; Horban, A.; Kostrikis, Leontios G.; Lepej, S. J.; Liitsola, K.; Linka, M.; Nielsen, C.; Otelea, D.; Paredes, R.; Poljak, M.; Puchhammer-Stöckl, E.; Schmit, J. C.; Sönnerborg, A.; Staneková, D.; Stanojevic, M.; Stylianou, Dora C.; Boucher, C. A. B.; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.; Vasylyeva, T.; Friedman, S. R.; van de Vijver, D.; Angarano, G.; Chaix, M. -L; de Luca, A.; Korn, K.; Loveday, C.; Soriano, V.; Yerly, S.; Zazzi, M.; Vandamme, A. M.; Paraskevis, Dimitrios N. (2016)
      Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was discovered in the early 1980s when the virus had already established a pandemic. For at least three decades the epidemic in the Western World has been dominated by subtype B ...
    • Article  

      Migration and HIV epidemic in Greece 

      Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.; Arvanitis, Michail; Masgala, Aikaterini; Paraskeva, D. (2005)
      Background: Over the last decade, Greece has experienced a massive influx of migrants from countries in South Eastern/Central Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. This study aimed to estimate the percentage and the ...
    • Conference Object  Open Access

      ‘Unstated’ mediation: On the ethical aspects of non-professional interpreting and translation 

      Antonini, Rachele; Athanasiadi, Rafaella; Floros, Georgios; Grammenidis, Simos; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Iannone, Elvira; Kapnas, Dimitrios; Kocijančič Pokorn, Nike; Kritsis, Konstantinos; Russo, Michele; Setkowicz-Ryszka, Anna; Snyder, Joel; Valero-Garcés, Carmen; van der Merwe, Kanja (2024)
      This volume presents some of the papers and talks given at the 6th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT6), which was organized by the Department of English Studies at the University ...
    • Article  

      Y-chromosome phylogeographic analysis of the Greek-Cypriot population reveals elements consistent with Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements 

      Voskarides, Konstantinos; Mazières, S.; Hadjipanagi, Despina; Di Cristofaro, J.; Ignatiou, Anastasia; Stefanou, Charalambos; King, R. J.; Underhill, P. A.; Chiaroni, J.; Constantinou-Deltas, Constantinos D. (2016)
      Background: The archeological record indicates that the permanent settlement of Cyprus began with pioneering agriculturalists circa 11,000years before present, (ca. 11,000 y BP). Subsequent colonization events followed, ...