Browsing by Subject "Modeling"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Brownian-like kinematics of ball milling for particulate structural modeling
(2016)Ball milling motion has been previously studied through computationally expensive, off-line experimental video processing and numerical simulations by the discrete element method. This research establishes a more efficient ...
Covalent amphiphilic polymer networks
(2003)The recent literature on chemically cross-linked amphiphilic polymer networks is reviewed. The main subjects covered are network synthesis, characterization, modeling and applications. Special mention is made to more modern ...
Conference Object Open Access
Design and implementation of integrated Laboratory activities with measurements, Data analysis and modelling
(University of Cyprus, 2007)The Lab-based course, that is described in the present work, is offered to first year university students of Physics, mainly aiming to introduce students to the basic concepts and familiarize them with the use of Computers ...
Article Open Access
Estimating the Performance Loss Rate of Photovoltaic Systems Using Time Series Change Point Analysis
(MDPI, 2023-04-26)The accurate quantification of the performance loss rate of photovoltaic systems is critical for project economics. Following the current research activities in the photovoltaic performance and reliability field, this ...
Estimating the performance loss rate of photovoltaic systems using time series change point analysis
(MDPI, 2023)The accurate quantification of the performance loss rate of photovoltaic systems is critical for project economics. Following the current research activities in the photovoltaic performance and reliability field, this work ...
Doctoral Thesis
Fabrication and characterization of memristive devices for bioinspired applications
(Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή / University of Cyprus, Faculty of Engineering, 2016-10)Οι συσκευές μνημοαντίστασης προτάθηκαν αξιωματικά το 1971 και απαντήθηκαν για πρώτη φορά το 2008, παρόλο που έχουν υπάρξει για πολύ μεγαλύτερο χρονικό διάστημα. Κυκλώματα προσομοίωσης συσκευών μνημοαντίστασης είχαν χτιστεί ...
Conference Object Open Access
Information technology for understanding Science (it for us)
(University of Cyprus, 2007)The principal aim of the IT for US Project is to present teachers with a vision for the use of ICT in science teaching which exploits the qualities of software tools for developing conceptual understanding of scientific ...
Conference Object Open Access
Inquiry-based activities using a variety of Pedagogical tools
(University of Cyprus, 2007)This study examined the impact of an inquiry-based and modeling-based instructional intervention on primary school students, using different pedagogical tools: video, real objects and a technology-based environment that ...
Conference Object
Model based decomposition of Muaps into their constituent Sfeaps
(Springer Verlag, 2007)The motor unit action potential (MUAP) represents the spatial and temporal summation of single fibre extracellular action potentials (SFEAPS) generated from the same motor unit. In this study, a model based decomposition ...
Modeling and control design for a computer-controlled brake system
(1997)The brake subsystem is one of the most significant parts of a vehicle with respect to safety. A computer-controlled brake system has the capability of acting faster than the human driver during emergencies, and therefore ...
Modelling and simulation of transportation systems: A scenario planning approach
(2009)It is increasingly realized that building more roads does not solve the traffic congestion problem but actually makes it worse. Instead of adding capacity to our roads there should be an effort to find ways in order to ...
Conference Object
Conference Object Open Access
Observing the seen and unseen: computer and social mediation of a Complex biological system
(University of Cyprus, 2010)Working from a theoretical framework in which knowledge is socially constructed, this case study traces how computer and human interventions mediate one group of middle school students’ observations of an aquatic ecosystem. ...
Conference Object Open Access
On the usage and potential applications of The finite element method magnetics (femm) Package in the teaching of electromagnetics In higher education
(University of Cyprus, 2007)Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) is an open source finite element analysis software package for solving 2D planar and 3D axisymmetric low frequency electromagnetic problems including both electrostatics and magnetostatics. ...