• Article  

      CHARMM: The biomolecular simulation program 

      Brooks, B. R.; Brooks III, C. L.; Mackerell Jr., A. D.; Nilsson, L.; Petrella, R. J.; Roux, B.; Won, Y.; Archontis, Georgios Z.; Bartels, C.; Boresch, S.; Caflisch, A.; Caves, L.; Cui, Q.; Dinner, A. R.; Feig, M.; Fischer, S.; Gao, J.; Hodoscek, M.; Im, W.; Kuczera, K.; Lazaridis, T.; Ma, J.; Ovchinnikov, V.; Paci, E.; Pastor, R. W.; Post, C. B.; Pu, J. Z.; Schaefer, M.; Tidor, B.; Venable, R. M.; Woodcock, H. L.; Wu, X.; Yang, W.; York, D. M.; Karplus, M. (2009)
      CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Molecular Mechanics) is a highly versatile and widely used molecular simulation program. It has been developed over the last three decades with a primary focus on molecules of biological interest, ...
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      Management of leptomeningeal malignancy 

      Pentheroudakis, George; Pavlidis, Nicholas (2005)
      Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis is defined as malignant infiltration of the pia matter and arachnoid membrane. Leukaemias and lymphomas, lung, breast cancer and melanoma are the primary tumours commonly associated with ...
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      Molecular dynamic simulations of carbon nanotubes in CO2 atmosphere 

      Alexiadis, A.; Kassinos, Stavros C. (2008)
      This work investigates by means of molecular dynamics the filling of carbon nanotubes by carbon dioxide molecules. Nanotubes of various sizes are simulated and the resulting CO2 density calculated. The effects of various ...