• Article  

      Building a distributed digital library for natural disasters metadata with grid services and RDF 

      Xing, Wei; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Yang, Hua; Sphyris, Angelos; Eftichidis, George (2005)
      Purpose - This paper aims to describe the main challenges of identifying and accessing useful information and knowledge about natural hazards and disasters results. The paper presents a grid-based digital library system ...
    • Conference Object  

      A grid-enabled digital library system for natural disaster metadata 

      Xing, Wei; Dikaiakos, Marios D.; Yang, Hua; Sphyris, Angelos; Eftichidis, George (2005)
      The need to organize and publish metadata about European research results in the field of natural disasters has been met with the help of two innovative technologies: the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) and the ...
    • Conference Object  

      PortSec: A port security risk analysis and resource allocation system 

      Orosz, Michael D.; Southwell, C.; Barrett, A.; Chen, J.; Ioannou, Petros A.; Abadi, A.; Maya, Isaac (2010)
      Ports are important nodal points that stimulate the US economy. This is particularly true of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (POLA/LB). Over 40% of all containers shipped to and out of the US flow through this ...