• Article  

      Thixotropic rheology of semisolid metal suspensions 

      Burgos, G. R.; Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Entov, V. (2001)
      Understanding the time-dependent flow behavior of semisolid materials (SSM) is essential for the simulation of semisolid processes. During processing, the structure of the material changes with the processing history due ...
    • Conference Object  

      Time-dependent rheology of semisolid metal suspensions 

      Burgos, Gilmer R.; Alexandrou, Andreas N.; Entov, Vladimir (Affiliation: Metals Processing Inst, Worcester, United StatesCorrespondence Address: Burgos, Gilmer R.Metals Processing Inst, Worcester, United States, 1999)
      Understanding the time-dependent flow behavior of semisolid materials (SSM) is essential for the simulation of semisolid processes. During processing, the structure of the material changes with the processing history due ...