• Article  

      Can statin therapy reduce the risk of melanoma? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 

      Bonovas, Stefanos; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.; Filioussi, K.; Peponi, Evangelia; Bagos, Pantelis G.; Sitaras, N. M. (2010)
      A growing body of literature suggests that statins may have a chemopreventive potential against melanoma through pleiotropic anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antiangiogenesis mechanisms. Our aim was to examine this ...
    • Article  

      Immunomodulatory therapy for sepsis: An update 

      Christaki, Eirini; Anyfanti, Panagiota; Opal, Steven M. (2011)
      Currently the treatment mainstay of sepsis is early and appropriate antibiotic therapy, accompanied by aggressive fluid administration, the use of vasopressors when needed and the prompt initiation of measures to support ...