• Conference Object  

      HomeWeb: An application framework for Web-based smart homes 

      Kamilaris, Andreas; Trifa, V.; Pitsillides, Andreas (2011)
      Household appliances are being equipped with embedded micro-controllers and wireless transceivers, offering smart behavior. These augmented appliances form wireless networks and transform residential areas into smart homes. ...
    • Conference Object  

      Towards interoperable and sustainable smart homes 

      Kamilaris, Andreas; Pitsillides, Andreas (IEEE Computer Society, 2013)
      In an idealized vision of a fully integrated smart home, all the operations of a house can be efficiently controlled by a unified smart ubiquitous application. However, we are far from realizing this scenario. A main barrier ...
    • Conference Object  

      Using request queues for enhancing the performance of operations in smart homes 

      Kamilaris, Andreas; Pitsillides, Andreas (2012)
      Modern houses and buildings are being equipped with embedded wireless sensors and actuators, offering advanced automation possibilities. Embedded technology is becoming mature, forming an enticing option for real-life ...