• Article  

      On a conjectured inequality of Gautschi and Leopardi for Jacobi polynomials 

      Koumandos, S. (2007)
      Motivated by work on positive cubature formulae over the spherical surface, Gautschi and Leopardi conjectured that the inequality (equation presented) holds for α, β > - 1 and n ≥ 1, θ∈ ∈(0, π), where Pn(α,β)(x) are the ...
    • Article  

      Random spectral measure for non Gaussian moving averages 

      Baxevani, Anastassia; Podgórski, K. (2017)
      We study the distribution of phases and amplitudes for the spectral representation of weighted moving averages of a general noise measure. The simple independent structure, known for the Gaussian case, and involving Rayleigh ...