Browsing by Subject "Volatility"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Conference Object
Exploring Price Classification in Day Ahead Electricity Markets through Graph Theory and PNN Modelling
(2023)This paper delves into the intersection of graph theory and electricity market data analysis. The introductory section lays the foundation by elucidating the theoretical underpinnings of graph theory and its relevance to ...
Conference Object
Extreme supervised algorithm for day ahead market price forecasting
(IEEE, 2023)Deregulation of electricity markets has ushered in a new era of heightened competition, allowing for the inclusion of fresh market entrants. However, market participation bears challenges related the extremely high volatility ...
Financial time series and volatility prediction using NoVaS transformations
(2008)We extend earlier work on the NoVaS transformation approach introduced by Politis (2003a, 2003b). The proposed approach is model-free and especially relevant when making forecasts in the context of model uncertainty and ...
How different are Monetary Unions to national economies according to prices?
(Wiley, 2022-09)Not that different. Based on a unique dataset of semi-annual microeconomic price levels of goods and services across and within countries for 1990:1–2018:2, we show that time-series volatility and cross-sectional dispersion ...
How different are Monetary Unions to national economies according to prices?
(Wiley, 2024-01)Not that different. Based on a unique dataset of semi-annual microeconomic price levels of goods and services across and within countries for 1990:1-2018:2, we show that time-series volatility and cross-sectional dispersion ...
Log-linear Poisson autoregression
(2011)We consider a log-linear model for time series of counts. This type of model provides a framework where both negative and positive association can be taken into account. In addition time dependent covariates are accommodated ...
Model-free versus model-based volatility prediction
(2007)The well-known ARCH/GARCH models for financial time series have been criticized of late for their poor performance in volatility prediction, that is, prediction of squared returns.1 Focusing on three representative data ...
On modelling speculative prices: the empirical literature
(2001)Traditionally, financial theory and in particular asset pricing models have assumed (implicitly or explicitly) a certain probabilistic structure for speculative prices. The probabilistic structure is usually defined in ...
Rolling-sample volatility estimators: Some new theoretical, simulation, and empirical results
(2002)We propose extensions of the continuous record asymptotic analysis for rolling sample variance estimators developed for estimating the quadratic variation of asset returns, referred to as integrated or realized volatility. ...
Some recent progress in count time series
(2011)We reviewsome regression models for the analysis of count time series. These models have been the focus of several investigations over the last years, but only recently simple conditions for stationarity and ergodicity ...