Browsing by Subject "Web-based learning"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Conference Object Open Access
Computer tools to simulate acoustic phenomena
(University of Zilina, 2005)Acoustics is a branch of science whose mathematical models require a great effort of abstraction and spatial visualization. There are several pieces of computational software that allow us to represent these phenomena by ...
Conference Object Open Access
Computerized teaching using the environment Web site – research findings
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)“The Environment” site is a joint project of three teacher-training colleges (Kibbuzim, Oranim and Orot Israel). The site combines guided self-learning in a computerized setting, with information and knowledge sharing ...
Conference Object Open Access
A course website and e-learning system for the enhancement of engineering design education
(University of Zilina, 2005)This paper presents an e-Learning enhanced instructional strategy to overcome instructional issues while conducting project-based learning in Engineering Design (henceforth, ED) courses targeting freshmen and sophomores ...
Conference Object Open Access
Design and implementation of integrated Laboratory activities with measurements, Data analysis and modelling
(University of Cyprus, 2007)The Lab-based course, that is described in the present work, is offered to first year university students of Physics, mainly aiming to introduce students to the basic concepts and familiarize them with the use of Computers ...
Conference Object Open Access
Designing problem-solving and laboratory content for a web-based distance education course in introductory general physics
(University of Zilina, 2005)There is a strong prejudice among physicists, and specialists in other mathematically intensive disciplines, that effective distance education is not feasible in their subject because of the impossibility of teaching ...
Conference Object Open Access
Educational websites in chemistry - expectations versus reality
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)The World Wide Web is a promising medium for chemical education. The huge chemical databases, the threedimensional and dynamic graphics together with the computational and communicational power, offer exciting new ways to ...
Conference Object Open Access
The evolving use of information technology in a large canadian high school – what’s working and what’s not
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)This presentation provides an update on the evolving use of information technology (IT) in the classrooms of a large Canadian high school. The discussion concentrates on IT developments in the mathematics and science ...
Conference Object Open Access
Implementation of e-learning platform for electrical engineering
(University of Zilina, 2005)Present engineering has to deal with increasingly complex systems. In particular, this is the case of electrical engineering. Though, this is obvious in microelectronics, also in the field of power systems the engineers ...
Conference Object Open Access
Improving learning outcomes through the Utilization of next generation e-learning Technologies
(University of Cyprus, 2007)Educational practice has in recent times been experiencing significant transitions. The ‘sage on a stage’ models of learning are slowly shifting to those of learning facilitation; that is the ‘guide on the side’ paradigm. ...
Conference Object Open Access
Integrating information technology into the teaching and learning of high school science
(Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava, 2001)This presentation will describe innovative applications of Information and Communication Technology in a large Canadian senior high school. In particular the presentation will focus on the instructional use of videoconferencing ...
Conference Object Open Access
Lon-capa, an open-source freeware learning content management and course management system
(University of Zilina, 2005)The LearningOnline Network with Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach (LON-CAPA) is a fully integrated cross-institutional learning content management and assessment system initially developed at Michigan State University ...
Conference Object Open Access
Personal inquiry: scripting support for inquiry learning by participatory design
(University of Cyprus, 2010)This paper focuses on the participatory design processes during a project concerned with supporting children aged 12 – 15 to carry out personal scientific inquiries and in particular how the process varied between two case ...
Conference Object Open Access
A practical computer-assisted learning framework for mixed ability classes
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)Teaching introductory courses in Computer Science and Management Information Systems to students is often hindered by a variety of factors. Computer-assisted learning methods may provide solutions to such problems. Feedback ...
Conference Object Open Access
Preparing students to use virtual learning Environments: information literacy and Independent researching
(University of Cyprus, 2007)The basic characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and e-learning are presented. The issue of information overload and the production and dissemination of digital information is discussed. The importance and ...
Conference Object Open Access
Problem based learning over the internet
(University of Zilina, 2005)The main goal of this paper is to discuss a new form of learning that would be appropriate for application in Learning Management Systems utilized in distance education courses over the Internet. It is supposed to be good ...
Conference Object Open Access
Research on learning in lon-capa: multiple content representations, test data banks
(University of Zilina, 2005)The LearningOnline Network with Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach (LON-CAPA) is a fully integrated cross-institutional learning content management and assessment system initially developed at Michigan State University. ...
Conference Object Open Access
Should we be using web-based learning to supplement face-to-face teaching of undergraduates?
(Department of Educational Sciences, University of Cyprus, 2003)There are several pressures to use web-based learning to augment traditional undergraduate teaching, not least of which are to fulfil students’ expectations, to increase student retention and improve progression rates. ...
Conference Object Open Access
Social and cognitive constructivisms in practice on the basis of etwinning projects in science
(University of Cyprus, 2010)The role of social interactions and cognitive processes in learning is evident for teachers and educators. Nowadays there is a challenge to transfer the theory into practice, to build an environment in which learning science ...
Conference Object Open Access
Supporting data-rich inquiries on the world-wide-web
(University of Zilina, 2005)Data-driven inquiries that resemble authentic scientific tasks are seen as one of the primary ways that could facilitate students’ development of scientific reasoning skills and contribute to their understanding of the ...
Conference Object Open Access
Teaching with technology – a pilgrim’s journey
(University of Zilina, 2005)This paper reflects on the impact of technology on the academic activity of university teachers over the last decade, as seen from within a department in a faculty of science of an Australian university. The paper provides ...